A Practical Guide to End Gun Violence
Violence isn't caused by firearms. Violence is a human problem.
Simple, effective solutions to society's problems are often rejected as 'simplistic' or 'naïve'. The people saying so often have a big stake in keeping the problem alive and destructive.
A great example of suchaa solution came during an interview with award winning actor, Morgan Freeman by CBS '60 Minutes' reporter Mike Wallace. To Wallace's question, Freeman replied:
“How are we going to end racism? Stop talking about it.
I'm going to stop calling you a white man and ask you to
stop calling me a black man.”
(Click the link to watch Wallace's stunned silence and incredulous reaction. It speaks volumes about the answer he expected and the answer he received)
So what does Ending Racism have to do with Ending Gun Violence?
The solution is also simple, accurate and effective.
First. stop calling it “gun violence”. Violence isn't caused by firearms. Violence is a human problem.
'Gun violence' is an emotive code phrase specifically used to shroud the the most obvious solution as well as the convoluted obstacles to understanding the issue.
While predictively dismissed by anti-gun proponents, the simple statemen: 'guns are not violent' is an undeniable truth. Guns are tools designed for the specific job: firing a projectile at a speed impossible to replicate by other means. Everything that happens before and after that action is subject to the individual operating the tool. The gun doesn't decide whether the projectile will punch a hole in a paper target or blow the brains out of someone. Intentional or accidental, it’s is not the gun's decision.
Conclusion: there is no such thing as 'gun violence'. There is only violence initiated by humans.
Obvious as that is, it’s sadly necessary to constantly present these counter arguments precisely to untangle the distortions of those who would remove your freedoms of choice, self-defense, ownership of property, even the 'pursuit of happiness'.
Another important reason for eliminating the 'gun violence' cliché is the separation of individual responsibility from some heinous act like murder. Focusing on the 'problem of gun violence' rather than the motives for the perpetrator's actions, does nothing to reduce crime, suicide or accidents. It only provides fertile ground for a profitable closet industry that plays on the emotions and tragedies of the uninformed.
A recent article in what is laughingly titled “Yahoo News”, provides an excellent study of what passes for thinking by an admitted anti-gunner. The title alone spoils any notion of balance or reason: “I Sat Next to a Gun Fanatic...”.
The author is head of her newly created 'Project Unloaded'. Their web site's home page states:
'Firearms are the leading cause of death for children and teens in America. Still, most young people say that they’re open to getting a gun and believe the myth that having one will make them safer. To end our gun violence crisis, we must a different story about guns – one that’s rooted in the facts. Project Unloaded is changing gun culture and empowering young people to make a data-backed decision to keep themselves and their loved ones safe from gun violence.'
By “telling a different story”, the 'Project' displays an colorful array of glittering generalities attempting to build a fact-less case that the mere presence of a gun is the pathway to suicide, accidental death and useless as a means of self-defense.
The strength of the 'Project' lies within the “Youth Council”; 15 high school and college students (12 girls, 3 boys). Their varied interests - 'learning to crochet”, “play video games” ,go thrifting”, “dances on a competitive hip-hop dance team”, “explores obscure music genres”, “expanding LGBTQ+ inclusivity”- while impressive, speaks loudly about the qualifications of a few teenager to address societal and legal issues that comprise their concern about 'gun violence'.
The 'Project's main contentions are 'guns make us less safe', 'more guns only lead to more gun violence', 'more guns, less safety'. While advocacy groups cannot be expected to publish information contradicting their mission statement, harnessing the bright-eyed energy, historical ignorance and limited life experience of teenagers to spout unsubstantiated one-sided bumper sticker quotes on an issue with life changing – or ending – consequences, lies somewhere between repulsive and reprehensible. Yet, these are the methods practiced by liberal groups: emotions over facts, obedience over curiosity, acceptance without proof, cliched denial instead of basic research.
While it's unlikely any member of the 'Project' will read or hear this, a copy of John Lott's “More Guns, Less Crime” would make an excellent gift for the holidays to those who hold similarly distorted beliefs. Lott's latest Washington Times editorial is also instructive.
Despite Federal and State laws regulating firearms numbering in the thousands, no legislation is capable of keeping children, women, the elderly or anyone “safe” from anything. Individual responsibility exercised with situational awareness is the only ‘protection’ universally available. No legislation required.
“End gun violence!” is a slice of empty rhetoric. Guns are not violent nor do they operate independently. It's the Individual operating the firearm initiating violence. Cars are not blamed when used in vehicular homicides, the driver is. Liquor isn’t held responsible for a DUI, the drinker is - and should be. But those yelling 'end gun violence' resent citing the culpability of the shooter; it’s easier to blame the scary firearm. “End Gun violence” is a transparent ad hominem, not a solution.
Imperfect men enacting imperfect laws for an imperfect society will consistently yield imperfect results. Bad things happen and always will. Time and circumstance guarantees it. Self-defense is a natural right; the means is an individual choice. Neither can be morally or legally canceled.
Programs and proposed legislation promising “to keep our children safe” should serve as a warning to parents and everyone. Since more anti-gun regulations cannot possibly have any positive effect reducing crime, you ask yourself: what is their real agenda?
Couple o’ notes: Substack has a cool feature for our podcasts: Transcriptions! Scroll down our Two and Only and Now For Something Completely Different podcast and mash the appropriate button. Wah-Lah!
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There is no way to have a productive rational debate with an irrational person. Libs simply ignore "inconvenient truths" because they have no ability to counter them.
It's nice to see that Mr. Freeman isn't about all that racist bullshit, unlike Mike Wallace.