The original article was posted several weeks ago, pre-DNC convention, pre-assassination attempts and pre-distorted debate. With both campaigns in high gear less than 50 days till E-Day, a refurbished look at the Democrat’s Abortion Centerpiece is here for reminder and reconsideration. Share with your friends.
Now that Democrats have their Biden-to-Harris flea-flicker just an inconvenient memory, and Harris-Walz is the ‘Convention solution,’ their robust campaigning for the rapidly approaching November elections is in full tilt. Joy and Truth have gone the way summer’s flip-flops and the MSM Honeymoon – Full Stop - is coming face-to-face with the reality of the morning after; will-o’-the-wisp promises and disappearing policies fade as no longer politically viable. Back is the occasional Word Salad whenever a rare ‘spontaneous’ conversation breaks out or a problematic question is asked. For now, Harris-Walz are getting a full measure of the hardball quicksand of professional politics.
ICYMI, DNC operatives, “consultants,” and various THOCs (Talking Heads On Cable) announced the key issue for Democrats to hit the Government Trifecta (House, Senate, and White House) is Abortion, deceptively co-named “Reproductive Rights”. Republicans’ ‘pro-life’ stand, even without a national anti-abortion law, is so egregious to Democrats' target demo - Liberal Suburban Housewives - the Ds are betting their BMW’s nothing Kamala Harris has done, with or without Joe Biden, will sway them to vote otherwise. Considering Bidenomics inflation continues goosing grocery costs higher and higher, week to week, it’s incomprehensible the up-talking LSHs maintain they will cheerfully vote for the person and Party responsible for their pain.
Do “liberal suburban housewives” cling so fanatically to aborting a child that there is no other fact of life (pun intended) they can consider to inform their vote? News coverage says emphatically, “NO!” One cable commentator noted, “To the coveted Liberal Suburban Housewife, the ‘defection’ of movie heart-throb George Clooney struck a greater blow than sinking poll numbers or rising grocery bills.”
For decades, women’s raucous-to-violent demonstrations featuring “My Body, My Choice” and other sloganeering have gotten MSM prime-time coverage every cycle. Other creative, if not ironic, histrionics on display: “Forced Motherhood is Female Enslavement,” “Our Bodies Our Freedom,” “Abortion On Our Own Terms,” ”Abortion is Healthcare,” “Safe and Legal Abortion is Pro-Life.” and the Gadsden-esque “Don’t Tread On My Uterus.”
For 50 years, it’s been the liberal's and Democrats' non-stop harping on Republicans' pro-life/anti-abortion stance that has led women to this baseless but firm belief they will lose their “reproductive health care,” via banning abortion.
This reveals one of the biggest lies ever regurgitated by a political party in our country’s history: conflating abortion with “women’s reproductive health,” spring boarding to “women’s reproductive rights.” When did ‘reproductive health’ and ‘reproductive rights’ become synonymous with “abortion”? The more emotive the lie, the better the chance to insure the female vote. Why? Because, in glittering generalities, too many women don’t vote with their heads where their intelligence is stored. They vote with their uterus, ovaries, heart, adrenalin, or some combination based on rumors or comments on The View. The political drumbeat to “reverse Roe v. Wade” and overturn Dobbs is a perfect example.
How so?
Because it illustrates stultifying ignorance of the legal issues involved in both, again thanks to the MSM and professional political prevaricators running for office. Roe v. Wade did not find or ‘establish a Constitutional right to an abortion’ loitering somewhere in the 14th Amendment, no matter how desperately the posters and pundits want everyone to believe. Even the late Justice and Liberal icon, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, wasn’t a fan and said so several times.
But this piece is not to argue the “legality” - or not - of abortion. I can assure the reader there is no future in arguing either side. This became obvious decades ago after countless attempts to conduct civil conversations on my talk shows nationwide. No one will change anyone’s mind, whatever facts, logic, or reasoning may be presented. If that has ever happened in some isolated case, I have never heard of it. Even if it had, the number of ‘converts’ would be microscopic.
What constitutes “women’s reproductive health rights”?
It’s way more than abortion. Cancer screening and treatment (cervical, ovarian, breast), STDs, UTIs, fertility and infertility treatments, menstrual health, prenatal and postnatal care, contraception, menopause management, and a host of related issues have a much larger constituency than abortion. Accordingly, Roe v Wade and Dobbs have only a marginal impact on the totality of "women's reproductive health care." Yet liberal politicians and abortion facilities, banking on aggressive ignorance, desperately need women believe the rejection of Roe v Wade for Dobbs meant the end of “women’s reproductive health care rights”; a Republican victory in November would erase everything called ‘women’s health’!
Financially rewarded interests aside, abortion advocates are a vocal group of emotionally ramped women dedicated to free services to terminate the bi-product of a poor choice or a bad relationship. Their emotions blind them to the reality they have been lied to about a ‘Constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion’ for 50-plus years; for some, that’s their entire life. When faced with exercising intellect over estrogen, that’s a bridge too far. Liberal Democrats running for office know that and use it with abandon.
Ignoring individual responsibility, the Government-Media Complex bears most of the responsibility for this deception.
The women carrying those signs don’t consider the sanctity of the Constitutional foundation for the necessity of the rule of law over the “Gimmedat!” philosophy that short-circuits their intellect. While these SCOTUS decisions primarily address abortion access, there are broader implications raised about restrictions on abortion that could affect treatment for rape, miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies. That’s part of a needed discussion but it’s not a part of the Liberal's political platform. They want their largest voting base: young, idealistic, Tic-Toc informed, voting-age suburban females, along with their stereotypical low-income, poorly educated sisters, to focus on the male-dominated Supreme Robes nullifying a non-existent ‘right’. The fact the “right to an abortion” never existed in the Constitution was the legal basis Justices used to purge their 50-year-old mistake. The Dobbs decision correctly sent the “legal abortion” issue back to be decided by the people and individual States, in harmony with the plain wording of the 10th Amendment, tossing the faulty reasoning of a woman’s 14th Amendment ‘right to privacy’.
Unfortunately - but predictably - Republicans and conservatives have failed to articulately advance this simply expressed decision.
Again, this scribbling has only a passing interest in the legality or morality of abortion. As noted above, every possible argument for and against abortion has been made in every possible venue by individuals much smarter than I; some much less. The SCOTUS decision involves complex legal reasoning and analysis, but this panoply of information is just that. Politicians stating Dobbs “was a tragic blow to women's reproductive health" lies between disingenuous and criminal lying. Still, as a political practice, ‘the end justifies the means’; Democrats and liberals approve regardless of facts to the contrary.
Prior to Roe, an abortion was chosen by a woman who determined the law would simply not apply to her. Social, financial, or other implications of bearing a child, often out of wedlock, were just too burdensome; breaking the law was worth the risk. Times have changed. Single mothers don’t bear those negative social and financial ramifications nearly as much today.
Legal or not, the “free to choose” option remains.
Abortion may be the most contentious issue, yet it’s crucial to prevent it from overshadowing other vital components of women's healthcare, much less being used as a scare tactic for political gain. “Reproductive rights” is a dangerously abused and misleading term relating to something that doesn’t exist. Like all misnamed “rights,” when provided at the taxpayer’s government-imposed expense, they cease to be a ‘right’ and become a favor bestowed by politicians. That’s why they do it.
The accurate term is reproductive choice - and women have many. With technology, the economy, and ubiquitous clinics providing tax-payer subsidized ‘free services,’ it is difficult to state becoming pregnant today is a “mistake.” Aside from sexual assault, unwanted pregnancies are the result of bad choices or bad judgment, or both; both are difficult to admit and accept. “Mistake” is a hard sell even for the allegedly uninformed. OTC birth control aids are found in affordable profusion from grocery stores to truck stop vending machines; Planned Parenthood and other sexual health clinics make them available at no cost.
At the risk of being redundant, the primary focus here isn’t morality or legality vs. abortion. It is the intentional hijacking of a term, “reproductive health,” that has no legitimate place in politics except by unprincipled political opportunists using it to extort votes through fear and disinformation to maintain their power and control. The Democrat Party – any Party – should be exposed and rejected for making it their campaign strategy. Candidates who follow this DNC game plan should be called out in all public venues. Send them a copy of this article if you don’t have time otherwise.
Thanks for reading this far!
I don’t know how other states are handling the issue, however I do feel that neither side of the political aisle has the right to use the abortion subject to politicize as a tool for voting one way or another. Now that the issue is back at the states level abortion can and is being voted on this November at least here in Missouri. It will be on all ballots regardless of party affiliation. As I believe it should be. I don’t like abortion and I do believe it is evil to kill babies. I think any woman who has an abortion will spend the rest of her life quietly regretting the decision, and if she doesn’t then...idk. I have a feeling Missouri will have it legalized due to cheating by the left. It will also legalize gender affirming care without permission given or needed by parents because the two issues are on the same ballot measure among other things I hope to God don’t pass.
"Reproductive rights" is a very strange term. Does it mean the right to reproduce i.e. have children? Do we need a license to have children? I guess you did in China. If you didn't have the license, the fetus was aborted.
Maybe there should be Intercourse Licenses. Meet someone in a bar or at a church social and both parties have to show their Intercourse License to the other. Maybe have a Fucking License Punch Card allowing only so many fucks per month depending on how much money one pays the state.
Undercover agents would go out into society (both sexes, well, all sexes) to make sure people were complying with their Intercourse and Fucking Licenses.
To get an Intercourse License, you would have to pass a test. It would be timed for men and women would be judged on a 1 to 10 scale like gymnastics.
Once you have your Intercourse License, then you would have to pay for the Fucking License Punch Card every month at the Post Office.
Oh, it would solve so many problems. One more way to put the (well, you know who) in jail. It would also limit population and bring in a ton of money to the state.