About the Pod
After considerable hesitation and delay, the podcast Now For Something Completely Different was launched a few months ago. Part of the delay was due to the difficult search for Something Completely Different. It’s been reported that the podosphere currently features over 300,000 ‘self-broadcasters’ mostly flogging their egos for family and friends. Some have attained a respectable level of sophistication in content and direction with very few rising to “Joe Rogan” status.
Despite reasonable notoriety earned during 55+ years of radio/TV, achieving such lofty goals again in the Pod World is not a priority; being ignored isn’t one either! NFSCD is a simple effort to provide subject content significantly different and thought-provoking than what everyone else is doing. Or trying to.
Achieving any notoriety takes a PR effort, promotion, and advertising, the likes of which the broadcast biz knows and practices better than any; it’s what we live for! Irrespective of the above, ‘self-promotion’ is an art (or illness) beyond my ability, talent, ego, or preference. Simply stated, my belief has always been: if I was good enough, the rest would follow. Internal company politics notwithstanding, that was true for the decades that followed.
I write this more as a note of appreciation for your presence than an explanation for mine. Google, YouTube, and 4 books provide more ‘life story’ information than anyone with less than a Federal search warrant could want! Self-aggrandizement was never the goal; compelling communication is.
The opinions and observations found here, whether mine or friends as guests, will hopefully inspire thought, critical thinking, objective analysis, or logical examination that may lead to a level of enlightenment higher than one currently occupied!
To that point, I invite you to check out my Now For Something Completely Different podcast as well as a collection of scribblings you will find amusing, insightful, or deplorable – but not boring!
Thanks for the visit.
Brian Wilson