Two days ago, occasional Guest Columnist Brad Smith posted:
“I've never seen a campaign where the Democrats lie nonstop about every single issue the way they have this time. Is there a single topic they are willing to be honest about? If so I can't think of one.”
And this morning’s news (actually Zero Hedge since the MSM would never run this):
“Obama Recycles ‘Very Fine People Narrative Despite Facts Prove Its Hoax”
I suspect Brad and I would agree Republicans won’t win the Truth in Advertising Award (Political Category) either. However, there is another “complex” that beats them both (X 10).
Meet the Media-Political-Polling Triumvirate, the source of non-stop deception every election cycle.
Magicians know Distraction is a prime ingredient for successful ‘Slight-of-Hand’ tricks. Get your audience to focus on the center of your activity. While distracted, the “other hand”, unseen, creates the basis for the “magical” result. The audience is amazed! It’s Magic!
The MPP has the same MO.
For the last several months, right up to today, the MSM has increasingly directed focus on the drama of the Trump-Harris campaign. Light on policy and facts, the Political campaigns have fed the Media everything needed to appeal to voters’ emotions rather than explore the facts necessary for an objective person to make an informed decision.*
At consistent intervals, around 20 polling companies have provided their results. According to these pollsters, throughout this entire campaign (since the Biden-Harris coup), the race has allegedly remained tight, always within the margin of error.
Game on!
“Tight!”, “Too tight!”, “Tight as a tic!”, “I’ve never seen a race so tight this late in the game!”
The distractions, deceptions, and outright lies have begun.
As Brad Smith stated, nonstop lying is the order of the day.
And they’re all in on it.
Why? How?
They all share a common goal. The MSM wants all the viewers. The Politician wants all the votes. The Pollsters want all the clients (MSM and Politicians) for the money. If lucky, some may also get the bragging rights as “Most Accurate” for the next campaign.
Keeping the public emotionally involved with the irrelevant drama of the Politician's stumbles and gaffs holds the viewers; “tight as a tick” poll results raise the viewers’ anxiety quotient, so they never leave the channel. The Pollsters magically produce nearly identical “tight results” week after week. The cycle is now complete: The MSM gets the ratings, the Politician gets the undivided attention of viewers/potential voters, and the Pollsters get their credibility from being quoted by the MSM, claiming “Best Poll Results” when the race is over.
But how can different and competing Pollsters have the same ‘too-close-to-call’ results? Easy. Just like Capt. Kirk (StarTrek), who cheated to beat the Kobayashi Maru test, they “weigh” or over-sample to produce the answers they need, not the answers you want. For example: the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR polls that have generally been shown leaning favorably toward Democrats, have over-sampled Democrats and Liberal sample groups. That “explains” the results without having to reveal the purposely selected sampling of Democrats. “The margin of error… captures “sampling error,” which represents how much the poll’s sample population might differ from the true population of voters.” - Aditya Kotak
So what happens when the “too tight to call!” race is over and, despite polls being “tight as a tic”, Candidate A wins by a landslide (2016): “How could the polls have been so wrong about the state of the election?”
“If a poll is inaccurate, it is less likely to be due to intentional bias by pollsters, and more likely due to the inherent uncertainty in polling.” – Don Moore
No worries! When all the votes are in, the MSM have all been paid, ratings and self-congratulatory huzzahs baked into their new advertising rate cards! One Politician won – but the other likely has a spiffy “war chest” for his “next time”. And it keeps him off Unemployment. The Pollsters have also been paid and, even for the ones whose results weren’t even close, they’ll live to scam another day as soon as the next ‘race’ is announced.
Everybody is a Winner – except, of course, Joe and Judy Sixpack, the voters who could only make that “informed decision” with what they had and marinated in their due diligence, common sense, critical analysis, and maybe some intuition.
Voters should tell politicians and the rest of the “Triuverate”:
“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
We’ll all begin to find out in 24 hours – but The End is not yet in sight. “Officials” are already warning Final Results will be 10-12 days away. Ya wonder why it takes that long………
Thanks to Brad Smith and thanks for reading this far.
I hate to hear poll results. I have never trusted them. Are they trying to get us to stay home because one candidate is up in the polls or are they trying to get us to go to vote? Look at the 2016 election polls. (Oh the good old days!) Wasn't Ms. Hillary Deplorable slated to win? That's what scares me the most. I've already seen videos of 'Mules' packing the drop boxes. They have always cheated, but COVID-19 allowed them to improve in many ways. Tomorrow night I'll have a glass of wine, or maybe a bottle, depending on the outcome. I hope to pop that cork of the champagne bottle living rent-free in the garage refrigerator for the past few years.
I watched a clip of Kevin O-Leary ripping the polsters today, he was spot on, if they wanted the public to know where the race actually stood they would create polls that actually do the job.