American Dreaming
"The salient question: when will a sufficient number of fellow citizens get beyond the “Harrumph!” of redundant shock and awe at the corrosive behavior of the ‘ruling class’ and actually begin doing whatever necessary to reverse this course of pending national collapse?"
(Listen to the podcast here)
Many of us have been aware of and sincerely believed the facts presented regularly in the collection of stories and articles spread across web sites, blogs and podcasts for quite some time. A long list of compelling subjects, courtesy of astute speakers and prolific writers with sharp eyes, intellectual acumen and scribbling talent has provided some compelling contributions to our ‘continuing education’.
Yet, we may have passed the point of Due Diligence, arriving at the junction of “Actions Speak Louder Than Words” and “Too Much Analysis Leads To Paralysis”. For the mountains of facts as evidence that have consistently confirmed the diagnosis of a putrefying America, Government, Elected Officials, Ethics, Principles and the Rule of Law, the “cure” has yet to appear on the horizon – if it exists at all beyond clever memes, pointy clichés and windy prose overflowing with blooming idealism.
The salient question: when will a sufficient number of fellow citizens get beyond the “Harrumph!” of redundant shock and awe at the corrosive behavior of the ‘ruling class’ and actually begin doing whatever necessary to reverse this course of pending national collapse? Don’t say ‘just wait till the next election when We The MAGA take the Senate and White House, too!”- unless you’ve acquired controlling interest in Dominion Voting Machines Corp and have a turgid album of salacious pictures featuring George Soros, Jill Biden and a gerbil.
Recently, someone reasonably intelligent commented “America needs a Hero’. Maybe so. Surely, one American Hero would be easier to find than, say, a few hundred thousand firearm owners religiously chanting “Molon Labe!” to the choir on social media and “From My Cold Dead Fingers” at NRA conventions. By the way, this is approximately the same number of sunshine patriots who don’t call their representatives, don’t show up at demonstrations, don’t attend much less speak out at town council meetings but do find enough hours to keep up with football.
Maybe finding a Hero is the real American Dream…