Seen on X:
Buzzfeed finds Trump leads with undecideds by 5 points post-debate, improves from pre-debate. WOW.
PRE-TO-POST DEBATE: Trump 42% [+3] Harris 37% [+1] Still undecided: 21%
Dear Still
With respect, how do you still do that?
What’s your problem?
Is it still the “pussy” comment? (Not Springfield, OH).
Is it still the “mean tweets”?
Is it still the “likeability”?
Painfully brilliant pundits say voters only vote for someone they “like”. Isn’t that kinda like Junior High School? What does “likeability” have to do with being an effective President? Would you vote for someone you really really don’t like if he would keep us out of wars? Lower everyday costs of living? Maintain our borders for the safety of your loved ones? Stick to the Constitution and Rule of Law?
Or is it some policy? OK - which one? Contrary to the Democrat’s Talking Points, he’s spoken of fixing Social Security and maintaining Medicare. He’s stated no intention of signing a ‘national abortion ban’, creating a ‘bloodbath’, or becoming a ‘dictator’. What’s left? Project 2025? C’mon, person.
Assuming you don’t despise this guy because of something as transient as his hairstyle, admit your vote is based on Feelings instead of Reason.
Or is it something else?
Are you still on the fence because of undetermined issues with Kamala’s unmentioned policies? Haven’t the last 4 years been sufficient to know what to expect from a Harris administration? Have you discovered the key to deciphering her word salads? Or do you find her spontaneous outbursts of indescribable laughter just too damn charming?
Put more simply: what is so compelling about a President Harris – aside from the irrelevant “First Woman President of Undetermined Race” thing? Or would you find it historically notable that a woman’s discombobulated politics brought a national economic collapse or led us into WWIII? Assuming their survival, do you think your granddaughters would be proud to know you put gender over security?
Put even more simply, aside from still being alive and having similar advantages we tend to call ‘blessings’, what product of the Biden-Harris administration made these last 4 years so much better than the preceding 4?? (Lobbyists for the Military-Industrial-Hi Tech-Big Pharma-Big Agriculture-Big Banks-Big Everything Else Complex are exempt)
Or maybe you just don’t want to tell some stranger with a funny accent who you’re voting for. That’s OK; all of us could use a little more respect for privacy. OTOH, why not say “None of your damned business!” instead of a wimpy “I’m still undecided”. Maybe they don’t give you that NOYDB option, but say it anyway. At least you’ll feel good about striking a blow for Privacy and get you out of that embarrassing “Undecided” column!
Finally, try the good old Ben Franklin Decision Making Method. Fold an 8/10 paper in half vertically. On the left side, list all the reasons to vote for Harris; on the right side, all the reasons to vote for Trump. According to Franklin, the side with the most reasons wins. How about that?
If all else fails, there’s always Logic. Logic has been around for a bunch of years and works well when making decisions. For example…are ‘cost of living’ prices higher or lower? Do you have more money left after paying bills or less? Does the immigration-crime situation concern you? Does a $37T National Debt concern you? Does Government worming its way into every nook and cranny of your life irritate you like sandpaper underwear?
With a functional sense of the obvious, haven’t you secretly made your decision already?
Don’t tell me now! Just send me a note about how you’re feeling on Nov. 6th.
Your Moderately Humble Scribbler,
PS For everyone Decided, I’m still amazed by the X quote “BUZZFEED finds Trump leads with undecideds...”. So Trump has more people who don’t know if they will vote for him than Harris does? We live in curious times!
Hahaha! I thought "SU" meant Seattle University.
I like the Benjamin Franklin method. After folding the paper in half and listing Trump's good points on one side and Harris' good points on the other, take the paper, put it on a BBQ, in a fireplace, or in a chiminea, and burn it.
You'll feel better.
This is great! Love your articles.