While not set up as a ‘late breaking news’ outlet, here’s a BWW quickie about a noxious odor coming from the TV this afternoon. Could this be the perfect setup to ensure the November election is successfully fixed without any chance of a legitimate challenge?
Here’s what happened.
US Atty General Merrick Garland announced today (9/4) the DOJ was taking “…wide-ranging actions Wednesday meant to call out Russian influence in the upcoming U.S. presidential election, unsealing criminal charges against two employees of a Russian state-run media company and seizing websites used by the Kremlin to spread disinformation.” (Politico)
He went on and on about Russia, Russia, Russia spending $10M “here and other countries…to undermine faith in our elections.”
First, there are already millions and millions of Americans who lost their “faith” in our election process years ago. Any efforts by Russia to worsen it would be redundant and a waste of good subterfuge money.
Second, $10M is chump change when spread around “America and other countries.” Ask Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros or Jeff Bezos.
Garland then segued to election interference cases – 13 of them – pointing to the work of a federal task force created to investigate “threats to the election community”. Were you aware of the Election Threats Task Force? Like me, did you, too, miss the big announcement in June, 2021? Were you aware people were already serving time for messing with ‘election workers”?
To save you a click, here’s part of the mission statement from the ETTF:
“…to address threats of violence against election workers, and to ensure that all election workers – whether elected, appointed, or volunteer – are able to do their jobs free from threats and intimidation. The task force engages with the election community and state and local law enforcement to assess allegations and reports of threats against election workers and has investigated and prosecuted these matters where appropriate, in partnership with FBI Field Offices and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices throughout the country.”
Admittedly, I could be OD’ing on caffeine or still haven’t recovered from LSU’s opening-day loss to USC, but I smell a rat. If you have never smelled one, it’s a lasting memory. This one smells like the federal government’s continuing ‘Lawfare’ practice. How?
Republicans are already ready for Election Day larceny and low-jinx by Democrat party operatives, primarily in swing states where the polls (allegedly) show “tight as a tick” numbers between Harris and Trump. The RNC has announced it will be prepared with 150,000 lawyers and poll watchers; 100 lawsuits have already been filed.
Knowing Republicans won’t be caught napping and naïve this time, the evil axis of the Biden-Harris administration, with its bosom buddies, the DNC, had to contrive a way to keep Republican eyes away from the skullduggery planned for Nov 5th. What better way than to have the FBI, the country’s “premier law enforcement agency,” ready to swoop in at the shriek of every Democratic Karen claiming she has the vapors because some smarmy Republican poll watcher insisted dirty work was working behind closed doors and pulled shades? Despite all skid marks on the FBI’s former integrity, no one would be able to contend with the infamous stonewalling and outright perjury that made the Steel Dossier and Russia! Russia! Russia! hoax so successful. What have James Comey or Peter Strzok been doing lately?
The MSM-DNC has consistently hyperventilated over charges of 2020 election fraud. “They were never proven in a court of law,” they said and said. And they were correct. Only because the facts never made it to court, thanks to dirty judges, DAs, and other politicos who made sure a jury never saw the damning evidence. Over the last four years, those facts and records have explicitly been revealed in various courts and all over Alt Media. The jig is up – but too late.
With absolute power and the future of our elections at stake – not to mention criminal charges against so many Big Name and Deep State operatives, the DNC cannot let Trump win. The Election Threats Task Force is just what they needed to ensure integrity will not intrude on the process.
I’ll wait over here to be proven paranoid.
Protecting democracy by openly engaging in censorship.
The American election process is rife with fraud. It is designed for fraud. It thrives on fraud.
As I've pointed out before, Indonesia, a country of thousands of islands spread across an area the size of the USA, counts the ballots locally on the day of voting. All ballots are cast in person in writing. The local town or neighborhood official counts the votes in public with corroborating officials to agree on the votes. The public can watch the process in person.
By sunset of election day, everyone in Indonesia knows the results of the election.