For those searching for a basic understanding of just what’s going on…who find themselves repeatedly saying, “This doesn’t make any sense!”… or using the acronym “WTF!” in everything from business letters to Mother’s Day cards, applying the formula above may solve the problem.
CP refers to the Cloward-Piven strategy; a 1966 political concept conceived by a couple of American sociologists, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven (who also lead an active activist life moonlighting from their gig at Columbia U.). The idea was based on their belief lotsa folks eligible for Welfare bennies weren’t getting their gobble at the public-provided trough. To resolve that tragedy, all they had to do was foment a sign-up campaign so large, sheer numbers would blow the doors off the responsible agencies and create a crisis big enough to shake awake the bureaucrats in DC and, especially, the emotionally driven Democrats, always sensitive to ways to trade Boo-Hoos for votes, government expansion, involvement, and dependency.
Being 1966, with the Ds in charge of everything in DC, this was music to their ears!
Cloward-Piven “proposed to create a crisis in the current welfare system – by exploiting the gap between welfare, law and practice – that would ultimately bring about its collapse and replace it with a system of guaranteed annual income. They hoped to accomplish this by informing the poor of their rights to welfare assistance, encouraging them to apply for benefits and, in effect, overloading an already overburdened bureaucracy.” – Michael Reisch, “The Road Not Taken”
While the rest of the Cloward-Piven story is compelling, this much will suffice for its position in the formula above which, you will see in the application, how it resolves the angst created by current events over the last decade or ten.
C-P became so popular in its simplicity and effectiveness, that it became a cliché; a simple reference to any principled strategy to overwhelm and overthrow plans, programs, and policies not in harmony with the Liberal/Progressive agenda.
An objective review of the progress of the L/P’s is a testimony to its success inside and outside government proper; social ‘change’ has not lagged in its harmony with C-P goals.
MSM the popular abbreviation referring to Main Stream Media, became a vital and willing partner with those administrating the C-P Strategy. It could be argued overwhelming government agencies’ administration of Liberal Largess, i.e., the growing Welfare State, would have been accomplished eventually with simple political hubris and the tenacity for which the DNC is notorious. However, that would have impermissibly consumed more time than the Elite Timekeepers would allow. That the surprise election of Donald Trump caused the panic for the Deep State Swamp Things to hit their Implementation Passing Gear would be an understatement supported by a pantload of yellow journalism.
C-P + MSM: This is the unholy matrimony between the political entities administering the C-P strategy with the necessary assistance of a weaponized, corrupt MSM to bludgeon an aggressively ignorant and terminally apathetic Public with an avalanche of incomprehensible disinformation and outright lies. Thanks to revelations from Alt Media, it can be fairly stated the Public eventually caught on to the lies and smears, but by then, the damage was done. The Perpetrators, ‘empowered’ by the ease with which they pulled off their little coup, were on to bigger and badder things. Now, mere ‘disruption’ and ‘overwhelming’ programs and policies a la C-P were mere playthings; overthrowing the entire concept of America: a Constitutionally-Limited Government instituted to protect the unalienable Rights of Citizens was oh-so-1776, it was laughable!
Paying reasonable attention to the compilation of events over the last 4 years is sufficient to understand the “ = T” in our formula.
T = Tyranny. While the “T” word still gets derisive scoffs and snorts in all venues, there is little challenge to the Expression following an objective, apolitical examination of the progress of policies championed by the Liberal/Progressives controlling DC, given daily Upsies by their PR agencies, the MSM. A simple examination of the propaganda and outright censorship enthusiastically perpetrated on behalf of the “COVID-19 Pandemic”, the non-stop denial of the tragically fumbled Afghanistan withdrawal, complete with the murder of innocents, the re-writing of fact during “White House Press Conferences” – all of these and more than word-count allows reveal the one-way expressway to Tyranny, envisioned for over a century by those who claim to rule us, even to the point of ‘owning’ us.
The knee-jerk response to the increasing revelations of this ongoing campaign is “Unacceptable!”, “Outrageous!”, “Unconstitutional!”, and “Un-American!” – is more of an admission than a defense or a solution; it fails to provide any specific recommendations for counter-attack. While there may be some cynically accurate answers, defeating the Cloward-Piven Strategy at least requires an equal and opposite reaction using identical principles: overwhelming and consistent retaliation that will nullify the anti-freedom programs and policies incrementally established over the last 100 years.
The ‘equation’ left to solve is L = X (Leadership =?)
Answer to be provided November 5th.
Thanks for reading this far.
*raises hand* We were told there would be no math.
Dear Brian Wilson
I will publish tomorrow.
Presidential politics ended on November 22, 1963, when Israel assassinated our President.
"I researched and found out of the 27 Warren Commission counsel and staff members, 18 were Jewish. The mathematical chance for 18 Jewish American males being general counsel, assistant counsel, and staff members out of the 27 on the Warren Commission is, 1 in 391,576,005,273,123,200."
Mark R. Elsis