Deafening Silence of Impunity
Hi there!
Before I get to my latest catharsis, a few words about “Brian Wilson Writes” on Substack. Thanks for reading. Or listening. Or both. As noted previously, there are some 300,000 podcasts and blogs out there. That you landed here is greatly appreciated. (OK – some of you didn't have a choice. I get it. And you get it!) Readers familiar with my sordid multi-media career know I'm more a Talker than a Scribbler and that should clearly explain both the 'quality of content' and the Subscription rate. The reason behind this foreplay is a request you ‘Share With Your Friends’. Like Broadcasting, this is a numbers game; the more the merrier! There’s even a button to do it!
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While discussing the tsunami of news and comments about Joe Biden's 'crime syndicate family' operations, congressional hearings and alleged discoveries, Dana Perrino (FOX “The Five”) paraphrased this line from NY Post editorial page:
We have no idea how far Comer & Co. will get in ferreting out the truth from Justice on these or any other allegations. But it sure makes you wonder how many whistleblowers may have been squelched already.
Good point. Two have been referenced. One concerns the IRS' unusually gentle and long-running 'investigation' of Hunter Biden. The latest one claims hard evidence of “Biden making 'policy decisions' in exchange for cash from a “foreign national” when he was vice president. This whistleblower claims the FBI has a file linking the prez to just such a “scheme,” per a new subpoena from the House Oversight Committee.”
It's almost gratifying to see certain Congressional oversight committees with Republican chairmen actually trying to do something about the rot and corruption “at the highest levels”. And yet, as the song goes, 'it seems to me, I've heard this song before; it's from an old familiar score...'.
Over the last 5+ administrations, concerned citizens suffering NAS (News Awareness Syndrome) have been pummeled with stories of crimes and scandals of every slime and slither imaginable coming out of the DC Swamp, performed by elected or appointed 'officials' at every level of every department in all three 'separate but equal' divisions of government; each offense carrying serious financial penalties and hard prison time.
Results? Nada. Unless you favor Persecution (Flynn, Maniforte, Stone) over Prosecution (Clinton, Clinton, Clapper, Brenner, Comey) not one serious offender has lost their Reserved parking space.
What are the odds of the Guilty receiving statutory punishment this time? Even with Hunter Biden's laptop contents rising to the level of Common Knowledge among the least informed among us, Attorney General Merkel and the entire DOJ continue to get their daily minimum of required exercise ignoring requests, dodging subpoenas, and weaving bald-faced lies into the cameras of the national media.
Why is that? How does this happen over and over? Simple, really. Like the punchline to an old joke: Because they can. As previously noted, politicians have the Ignore Button the essence of which is “We're in charge. You aren't. And we don't care.”
I’ve been asked: “Could the FBI face a contempt charge if they fail to produce the House committee subpoenaed material? Can the Justice Department be charged with implementing an illegal cover-up of a bribery crime possibly committed by President Biden? Wouldn't a criminal cover-up by the Justice Department be illegal, especially if undertaken out of partisan political bias or partisan political favoritism?”
(Here comes the 'Yeah, but...') Who has the standing or the authority to make the charge? Who could make the arrest? Even if an entire Department or Agency could be 'held in contempt', to what end? Attorneys General already have a record of ignoring subpoenas with impunity.
This is where the conversation always ends: frustrated citizens crying out for solutions using elementary demands long on emotion but short on fact. They have no more practical application than a 2-year-old's temper fit. Sad for all of us, there is an insufficient number of rightly concerned people inside the Beltway to make serious changes; the majority want it this way.