Hola, Amigo!
Have you seen this news?
Did you know the US Army has shrunk to its smallest size since WW2?
“The Army, Navy and Air Force failed to meet recruiting goals in the fiscal year that ended in September. The Marine Corps and the Space Force made their goals, but the recruiting environment remains tough. "This recruiting crisis certainly did not appear overnight and cannot be repaired overnight," Davis said.Dec 7, 2023” U.S.Dept of Defense
The US military noticed that, too! But despite signing bonuses, relaxing education and “other” recruitment requirements, the numbers still aren’t there.
What to do?
Maybe you’ve noticed most of the people illegally entering this country along the southern border are buffed-up military-age men.
Hey! The US Military noticed that, too!
Well then! How about a good old American incentive program?
Como no?
Citizenship fast track: US military entices immigrants to sign up
Si! Eso es correcto,mi amigo!
Mira Esto!
Join the military, become a US citizen: Uncle Sam wants you and vous and tu
If successful, government and military Heavies could then claim bragging rights for the genius plan that refilled the cannon fodder requirements as declared by the Recruitment Departments of the Army, Navy and Air Force. (The Marines did just fine, thanks).
As is usually the case, the answer to the question creates more unanswered questions. The questions we need answering:
Since they broke the law to enter the United States, why should we believe they will immediately become law-abiding citizens?
Coming from countries with no Rule of Law to respect, with no knowledge, history or tradition of “Liberty and Justice for all”, what basis is there for them to comprehend and respect their Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America or their Oath of Military Service?
Certainly you’ve seen the problems states and cities are having with increased crime as migrants arrive there. Did you see the story of the migrants who attacked 2 NYC cops trying to break up a scuffle in downtown Manhattan? Think those chicos malos came here for Liberty? Justice? Freedom? An opportunity for a better life? To get a decent job to raise a nice family? Maybe that’s why 4 of them blew out of town asap, hopping the Greyhound to CA. Choosing a bankrupt state with law enforcement similar to NYC but better health and ‘unemployment’ benefits sure is a wise career move for up and coming felons. Maybe they haven’t heard of the opportunities the Army, Navy and Air Force are offering yet.
But ask yourself: Do you think these are the type of people who are anxious to ‘support and defend the Constitution”? “…”against all enemies, foreign and domestic”?
Their criminal conduct strongly suggests they have already declared themselves to be ‘enemies’, once foreign, now domestic. If the national fabric continues to rip apart, will these new ‘quota recruits’ respect the complicated particulars of the Posse Comitatus act? What if there was an invasion of their former countrymen and they were ordered to participate in repelling the invaders?
Judging from the recruitment modifications made by the Armed Forces and our current President’s disregard for enforcing the border, we may sadly know the answers already.
Maybe there’s something else going on. Something even more nefarious for every one of us, not just the hapless souls still living in NYC, LA, Detroit and other Paradise Cities.
Where are the millions of these fit ‘n firm 20 – 35 year olds right now? You know, the ones the Feds are unable (unwilling?) to track? The “Get-Aways’ you hear as a throw-away line on the ‘News’? Are they the ones plumping the Fed’s Unemployment Numbers (that get sadly revised a month later when you’re not looking)? Apparently not. But they have to be somewhere doing something, right? Only ‘recorded’ migrants are getting free cell phones, medical care, 4-Star hotel accommodations (with culturally appropriate meals) and re-charged Visa cards courtesy of the Big Chump (i.e. US Taxpayer).
So where are these “at least 1.7 million known getaways” who dropped in last year?
The most credible answer has already been labeled a dreaded ‘Conspiracy Theory’! You know, that embarrassing discountable term allegedly invented by the CIA to shut you up by killing anything you say that might embarrass the Government or contradict the approved narrative.
Basically, the “theory” is these buffed up dudes have rendezvoused at various sites throughout the country, organizing in ‘sleeper cells’. When strategically timely, these studs will comprise the core of the elements creating the ‘social unrest’, the ‘civil war’ publicly spoken of since last year.
But what if it’s true – like so many other Conspiracy Theories that have been become American History with later revelations, time and research has produced?
"They don't need to fly in on their Mad Max devices like they did this past weekend in Israel…They're already here." Lora Ries, Director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation.
These are the ‘Special Interest’ hombres buried 18 paragraphs down in ‘the news’:
“Thousands of "special interest aliens" from various countries and regions, including the Middle East, have been arrested by Border Patrol agents attempting to cross the U.S. southern border illegally over the last two years, internal Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data leaked to Fox News shows.
“Special interest aliens are people from countries identified by the U.S. government as having conditions that promote or protect terrorism or potentially pose some sort of national security threat to the U.S.” – FOX News
What? “FOX News”!?!? Oh right! Another Conspiracy Theory! More Fear Porn!
Well, CBS offers the best of the worst to convince you otherwise.
So what if a few hundred thousand ‘Getaways’ take Uncle Sam up on his ‘relaxed requirements’ and sugar-coated incentive plans and solve the military’s recruitment problems?
Well? Shouldn’t be difficult to prove otherwise, right?
Or have we just paid a visit to the Future’s Waiting Room?
Thanks for reading this far and a hearty welcome to all the New Kids on the block!
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"When will they ever learn...."
Those who don't learn from history...etc.