Excrement Occurs
Brian Wilson and Jim Bovard - The Two and Only - together again for no plausible reason, take on encounters with the TSA, one of government's worthless agencies and Visiting the Ghosts of Waco.
From the Tech Dept: Anyone modestly familiar with computers, tech stuff or life in general, knows Murphy’s Law: “If something can go wrong, it will.” In polite society, this is referred to as shit happens “excrement occurs”. Such was the case with this Episode of the “Two And Only”. For reasons too long, too complicated or flat-out unknown, oue recording devices and programs failed to play nice with each other and only fragments of the conversation were somewhat recovered.
So as not to totally disappoint T&O fans any more than customary, we have transcribed as much as possible for your, albeit, reduced pleasure.
Please accept the sincere apologies of the BWW Technical Ass. tDept and be assured this will not happen again. If, unfortunately, there is a similar occurrence, next-of-kin will be notified promptly; funeral arrangements posted as soon as possible.
Thank you
Up Mgt
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all sexes, especially everyone still waiting with justifiable impatience for the big announcement about Last Rights, The Death of American Liberty…
Welcome once again to another technically spastic series of colloidal episodes of The Two and Only, our Disney-like slide down the razor blade of life, known to some as the Space Mountain of podcasts.
As Joe Rogan eats his heart out, permit me to introduce myself, former owner of the recently failed House of Toast epiquestrian restaurant, professional modulator over broadcast facilities on both sides of the Hudson River and occasional scribbler myself, Brian Wilson.
Conjoined at the microphone with me once again is nationally admired investigative journalist, opinion writer for the NY Post, winner of the new Patience In Flying Award – Bearded Division, and allegedly the author of a rumored Best Seller, wearing his newly acquired “I've seen the Waco Silo” button, James Bovard…
Welcome James –
(Bovard compliments Brian on his unique introduction and comments briefly on the “I’ve Seen the Waco Silo!” button (see article linked below)
Well, here we are, another week older and deeper in anticipation of “Last Rights The Death of American Liberty”. For all of you listening at home, you will be ecstatic to learn that the Cover of Last Rights is available for your confirmation and admiration at jimbovard.com
The cover photo of the razor wire with the Capitol building in the background is not only a perfect visual statement but if memory serves, it is an example of your relatively unknown shutterbug skills...
(Bovard professionally demurs)
So as not to bury the lead, James...what's the current ETA of “Last Rights…”?
(Bovard indicates next week may bring a functional pre-order page and other prayers. Bovard does his worst at hiding his personal impatience but still manages to project his professionalism, having authored several national Best Sellers with less empathetic editors)
With a nod to Paul Simon, your essay “The TSA Is Still Crazy after All These Years” published by Mises and posted on your blog…
...as you know, despite my wildly successful broadcasting career, I have pursued a mostly reclusive lifestyle for most of the 30+ yrs we've known each other...specifically, the last time I flew in anyone's airplane was March 2002, San Fran to BWI, 4 months after Richard Reid, the infamous Shoe Bomber, moved the TSA to initiate shoe removal for all passengers as part of the ever longer and totally useless security check-in at the nation's airports.
So what is air travel like now, some 20 years later?
(Bovard regales with recollections of current and latter day experiences, with the TSA’s ‘airport security’, the progressive functioning of body scanners and the worthlessness of TSA policies)
Your library of articles extolling TSA efficiency and efficacy and “maligning TSA agents” apparently earned you a place of special affection and attention when heading off into the wild blue yonder...Along with your experience with the TSA’s notorious ‘back rooms’, what are you at liberty to divulge that some unsuspecting passenger may encounter, say this coming holiday season?
(Bovard sites his TSA ‘back room’ episode and subsequent advice [avoid at all costs]. He also recalls the head of the TSA accusing him of ‘maligning TSA agents.” Bovard admits to suffering through a near nanosecond of depression upon hearing the news)
Accompanying your ‘Still Crazy’ article, you provide a picture of a sensuous young woman, seeming to be giving you a magnetic ‘Come Hither’ look. Was she a TSA representative? Did she engage you in compelling conversation?
(Bovard – Boy Howdy! No! But she did display remarkable 3 inch nails while vocalizing decibels of amiable attitude and interest in being of any assistance)
(See alluring picture above)
Moving on...if everyone would turn your attention to the middle of the Bovard blog, you'll notice another recent work – Visiting the Ghosts of Waco – and, taking a moment, removing my customary mask of sarcasm... seasoned listeners are aware, Jim and I have known each other professionally and socially for 30 yrs or so, mostly doing chats like this on talk stations across the country, at C-PAC, Libertarian Conventions and other get-togethers. Except for ‘The Farm Fiasco’ and ‘Fair Trade Fraud’, I've had the pleasure of being present to welcome the arrival of every one of his best sellers. We've also had numerous conversations about his many revealing pieces concerning the events at Waco and Ruby Ridge. All this is to lend a touch of gravitas when I say ‘Visiting the Ghosts of Waco’ is the best piece I've ever read by anyone on this tragic event. Because of his years investigating Waco, only Jim Bovard could write something as pointed, informative, condemnatory and moving. In light of current events, as much or as little as you know about our government's slaughter of men, women and children, ‘Visiting the Ghosts of Waco’ exceeds the Must Read cliché that gets bandied about these days.
OK – enough of me – let's get to the piece.
(Bovard expresses his appreciation)
After all your writing and revelations on Waco, you mention the sensations of entering the property for the first time --- is there anything you can add about the experience?
(Bovard expands a bit on his first-impression encounter with the property and buildings before getting to the sign and the emotional weight carried in its simplicity)
Toward the end of the piece you wrote:
“Waco vaccinated millions of Americans against ever blindly deferring to Washington and federal law enforcement.”
Using “vaccinated” called up the COIVD crap we all lived thru – do you think maybe ‘millions of Americans’ didn't get that shot? Or has it just worn off over the years?
(Bovard explains a number of possible reasons for the reaction to COVID tyranny, not the least of which might be America’s limited attention span)
You reported Waco locals aren't inclined to reminisce about those bad old days. That the Silo gets more attention than the testimony to tyranny and slaughter by government. While I understand this is speculative – do you think it's the pain of the memories? The hidden belief the government did the right thing? Or that the locals did next to nothing to prevent it?
(Not being a fan of speculation, Bovard considers each one with the conclusion there may not be a conclusion worthy of the term.)
Times up. Go to JimBovard.com and check out the two articles we've been discussing. At least get a gander at the cover of Last Rights which will be available in time for the 4thof July. Maybe!
And grab a free subscription right here to brianwilsonwites@substack.com
Pull the plug, Joe.
Once again, my apologies for the techy crashes, gaffs and clusterfks.
Please consider joining us next week for another effort to achieve technical perfection. Or pubic embarrassment.
The alluring picture of the TSA agent certainly screams, "Do not even try to fuck with me or in me!" I've met women like this and they always seemed so friendly at the bar...