“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” — President John F. Kennedy.
Democrat leaders today are the exact opposite of Kennedy, they have fully embraced censorship. Are they afraid of the people? Yes, they are afraid of the people and their ideas, especially the idea of populism.
They can call these forbidden ideas whatever they want, misinformation, hate speech, etc., it doesn't matter, it's all protected under our first Amendment and they are going after these ideas anyway.
If someone is wrong, prove it by refuting them, shutting people up will not make their ideas go away, it just turns us into an ever more fascist nation.
Kennedy was an actual liberal, today's left wing is not liberal, not even close. Identity politics is NOT Liberal in the least, setting up protected classes while targeting everyone else is not liberal, and silencing people who you don't agree with is not liberal.
The wholesale rejection and silencing of ideas that don't align completely and totally with your own is not liberal, it's dogmatic, intolerant and yes it's bigoted. Bigotry is, at its heart, intolerance for people whose views do not align with your own…
Brad Smith, Guest Scribbler
I would like to agree and I would if the world and people were different. I don't find the wholesale rejection of people who want me dead and have said so, who think surgically and chemically mutilating children is just fine, who actively aid, abet and support the multiple millions illegal alien invasion which is directly against U.S. immigration law is intolerant or bigoted. And those reasons are just a start. I understand you are saying the left is intolerant, what else would you expect from communists? I also understand that people never mention communism, even though D.E.I. CRT, you'll have nothing, 15 min cities, climate hysteria and the results, agenda 2030 etc are communism.
Communists are taking over many liberal institutions. The Democratic Party is one of them. The Sierra Club and Greenpeace are two other former liberal institutions that are now run by communists. The Marxists infiltrated and took over academia. Their takeover filtered down from there.