So who's endorsement would you want, the unhinged warmonger who lives off of her Father's war record or the Dove who actually went to war with a medical unit?
I'd brag for the rest of my life if Tulsi supported me for anything on the other hand if I had any ties to the McCain family, I'd have to wonder where I went wrong.
Almost every election cycle there are a few prominent people who move from one team to another, normally I wouldn't say it amounts to much and it probably won't make a huge difference this time, but it sure helps me when it comes to supporting Trump.
Because I'm so adamantly anti-war, it's actually a very hard for me to support Trump. I don't like having anything done in my name which will end in the lives of innocent people dying and Trump's foreign policy is far from perfect.
However, if people who Know Trump better than I ever will can support him and believe his foreign policy is superior then I feel I'm on more solid ground as well. Kennedy, Tulsi, Rand Paul, Thomas Massie and other's who are solid anti-interventionists are all supporting Trump.
Trump's record wasn't perfect, but it was better than we have seen in a long time and I truly do not trust Harris to be anything other than a lapdog for the military industrial complex. Mrs. Prosecutor not only has the war rhetoric down, she's proven that she has no problem persecuting people for victimless crimes. I'd go into her record as Prosecutor, but suffice to say, she was worse than most, there was nothing Joyful about the way she went after people who had not committed a real crime. Meanwhile there were real criminals who she went soft on. As VP she's All War All the Time, while showing zero support for the Veterans I might add.
Seriously though, if the press thinks that getting an endorsement from a Cheney is anything to brag about, they have lost their minds.
Think about the few that have jumped ship to join Kamala and compare them with the ones who have switched to support Trump. It actually says a lot about the candidates that Warmongering scum are supporting Harris and the sensible people who are pro liberty, pro-health and anti-war are on Trump's team. Some of the most principled Democrats around have joined MAGA, only warmongers and lunatics have jumped ship to join Kamala.
If you are a Democrat who is thinking about leaving the Democratic party don't sweat it, the Party left you a long time ago, they are simply not the same party they were in the past. And keep in mind that you will be in good company, if you join the likes of Tulsi and Kennedy.
One last thing, California top State level Democrat, their Leader of the State Senate, just endorsed Trump as well. I looked into her record, she's also a solid anti-interventionist and in the past would have been seen as the most solid Democrat as well. She also says, that the party left her, not the other way around. You don't have to be ashamed of not showing loyalty to a group who clearly has not been loyal to you or even loyal to their own ideas.
- h/t Brad Smith
PS: They Mayor of Healdsburg stopped by our house yesterday. I was out watering the lawn. (It's 102F again here today.) We talked Cornhusker football (we are both from Lincoln, Nebraska) and city council issues.
I wish I'd brought up Fluoride in the city drinking water. Years ago, folks like me tried to pass a referendum in town to get rid of the Fluoride in the tap water. We lost the vote 3:1. The dentists were against us along with the other healthy "professionals."
A new government report has come out linking Fluoride to lower IQs in children. I should have brought that up. I'll have to look up the Fluoride report (it's on the Corbett Report's latest video) and send it to the City Council.
For people who vote, Trump is better than Harris.
As usual, for those of us who support peace, prosperity, and liberty, there isn't anyone to vote for. The 2012 election when Dr. Ron Paul ran for President was the last time I had someone to vote for.
It saddens me no end that Tulsi and RFK Jr. are no longer running for President. If recommending Trump is the best that they can do, well, that's pretty sad for America.