It’s not often the Interviewer becomes Interviewed. But it happens. This makes the 4th time in 15 years proving “Infrequency is the better part of Programming”.
Professor Wall, host of “From Steal to Succession” here on Substack has been shadowing me since 2011 when he was heavily involved in the Ron Paul campaign and I was doing my broadcast best to support the effort. While, tragically, Ron Paul didn’t make it to the White House, the new effects of his campaign, having the opportunity to 'spread the word’ of Limited Government and fiscal responsibility is actually resonating my today within the Trump/MAGA movement. Having Sen. Rand Paul on your side doesn’t hurt. Along with getting to meet with Ron and Rand Paul, Steven Moore, Jim Bovard, Don Williams and others, attending C-PAC that year wasn’t too shabby either.
Professor Wall picked up on all this and in a rare display of questionable taste, on his widely cast “ From Steal to Succession”, invited me on for a chat.
The Professor is thankfully recuperating from a Holiday case of the dreaded Galloping Crud. Once he returns to fighting weight, I coerce him to spend some reciprocal chat time with us here.
Good to hear you in the interview guest chair. Blessed New Year to ya!
During the 1987 Colorado Libertarian Party convention in Fort Collins, I was elected to the communications chair of the party by acclimation.
Immediately thereafter, I met Mark Shepard, who drafted me into the Ron Paul ballot access drive.
After travelling to Lincoln, Nebraska and West Fargo, North Dakota for disappointing responses to my petitioning efforts, I wound up in Wyoming, where I was credited with having been the largest single petition signature getter and the primary reason for Dr. Paul getting on the ballot there. I still remember the conversation I had with the late Burt Blumert when he told me that he was going to stop confirming my signature counts with Kathy Karpan, the Wyoming Secretary of State, because I had set a record for the highest signature validity rate in the country in the LP ballot access drive. I also remember sharing his C-store salad with him at Camino Coin in the mid 2000s.
I had returned to Colorado to find them begging me to take their ballot access drive in hand and get Dr. Paul on the ballot there.
One day, I found myself in the LPC office surrounded by board members who were waiting for the arrival of Dr. Ron Paul, who arrived after half of them had left because his driver and campaign manager had been given bad directions. After Dr. Paul had talked to those who remained and had left, his driver was on the phone to headquarters, leaving Dr. Paul and I alone together. Having heard that I was a taxi driver, he asked me if I'd give his driver good directions to all the places they had to visit. I offered to ride alone with them as navigator if that was OK, to which Dr. Paul responded, "That would be great." I'll never forget Pat's eyes at Legacy Investments (where I had been buying my gold and silver) when I walked in behind Dr. Paul. After we got back to the office and his driver was back on the phone, I asked Dr. Paul for a favor.
He seemed surprised that would ask him for a favor but asked what it would be. I told him I wanted to be appointed as the chairman of the FCC. When he asked me why I'd want to be the chairman of the FCC, I corrected myself by saying that I wanted him to appoint me to be the LAST chairman of the FCC, which he immediately understood after I told him I'd spent several years working as a broadcast engineer and two-way radio technician.
The next and last time I saw him in person was when he filled the Temple Center to capacity a few weeks later.