A huge problem Conservatives have had for generations is being too…conservative. While Liberals make the vilest, radical, exaggerated often totally false statements and accusations, Conservatives would respond by pulling out their breast pocket hankie and tut-tut their adversary with meaningless, flaccid, ineffective rejoinders only Miss Manners could love.
Put more simply: Conservatives treat politics like the Victorians treated sex. Never discussed in polite company, dealt with only when absolutely necessary to achieve a practical goal. OTOH, Liberals see politics as a full-contact, no-holds-barred sport. They will lie, cheat, steal, stab you in the back, bury you in a shallow grave, dig you up later, shoot you, and then go have a Bud with their buds.
Trump 2.0 may be ushering in the end of that error. Trump’s plain-spoken debating and campaigning won his first term. Unfortunately, his testosterone was squandered by naiveté, swatting fabricated lies and distractions from the DNC-MSM complex. Through the last campaign, election, and back with majorities in Congress, a more disciplined, organized, focused Trump, is surrounded by seasoned DC veterans and hard chargers instead of limp-wristed girly boys.
At least in the VP’s office.
JD Vance has been impressive as an articulate, straightforward, unflappable echo of his boss’s office. I have not heard a conversation when he suddenly morphed into Mike Pence. Yay! Vance knows one can be direct and still cordial – or, at least, civil.
In his first interview since taking office on CBS News' "Face the Nation," Vance put a lid on the typically snarky MSM host, Margaret Brennan, while answering her questions about allowing unvetted ‘illegal migrants’ into the United States.
After the predictable ‘got’cha’ set-ups complete with interruptions and editorializing comments, Vance put a lid on her and the subject with an unarguable direct statement.
What’s really going on here is Masculinity.
Masculinity has been demonized for a decade, Maybe longer. Instead, we’ve been celebrating Political Correctness, WOKE-ism, and oily politicians who tell us the polite thing instead of the right thing.
Someone should make some serious bux selling bumper stickers and t-shirts with “I don’t care, Margaret!”
Also, bring back, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
What Liberals and the MSM still don’t realize – or cannot accept: Vance is channeling the feelings of a significant majority of Americans. Dems want to play the "But what about..." pivot game while America is getting ransacked. Trump & Co. were voted in to clean house.
“Get with the program or get lost. We don't care about Illegals leaving. Lawn mowing is healthy! And it doesn’t involve thumbs, a tiny screen, and tuning out the rest of the world!”
Thanks for reading this far!
Straight answers . . . imagine that.
DEMOCRATS are the enemy until they capitulate. After that, I’ll consider being magnanimous…