One of the great things about scribbling for Substack is the virtual community of gifted writers who hang out here. If you don’t get out much, you might be unaware of the talent, brains, and perspectives you miss without a gathering place like this.
Hosting Talk radio shows for several decades turned me into the News Addict I remain today. Reflecting on those years of shows dating back to the days before the Carter administration, the intensity of current events has inexorably passed the ‘red line’ on the old News tachometer to the point when the screaming transmission finally blows and a rod exits the crankcase. Game Over!
Many of my fellow Addicts concur: as a country and society, we are in an ever-increasing depth of fertilizer. There’s even a cliché: ‘when [it] hits the fan’... What’s missing in non-Addict venues is any sense of foreboding or a feeling of urgency that many things are seriously wrong. And the kicker is: not many seem all that concerned. They can’t, don’t or won’t hear that screaming tranny, an RPM away from coming apart in the most destructive way possible.
As I’ve pointed out with some discomfiting regularity, the news media bears the brunt of the blame as the guardians of the gates of information. Their embargoed stories may be the most blatant form of censorship. Rather than altering the story in some cryptic way, it nonchalantly goes unreported. “Nothing to see here...” Only alt. media outlets can resurrect it.
Factor in our intensely busy lives, and you can see how a stunning amount of important information can be missed even before factoring in Distractions or Delusions. The consequences are many and serious. Obviously, “what you don’t know, you don’t know.” In volatile times like these, ‘knowledge is power’ is more than a quaint saying.
But keeping up is a full-time job. Personally, I’m reading way more than writing. So, for News Addicts and Non-Addicts alike, here are some links to remarkable stories that haven’t gotten the coverage they richly deserved. Over this long weekend, read the ones you missed. You may not be happy with the content, but you might be better informed before it disappears down the media’s colossal rabbit hole…
Exposing The CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media Remember “Scary” Poppins?
Biden Cancels 7.7 billion in student debt – What about that SCOTUS decision?
CIA Blocks Investigation into Hunter Biden’s “sugar brother” – Equal protection”?
Hunter Biden Lies to Congress Multiple Times While Under Oath – Accountability?
Large Number of Military-Aged Males Crossing Illegally Into US – Why?
Russian Nuclear Exercises on Ukraine Border – How serious is this?
Matt Taibbi’s “Censorship Files” Govt continues to prevent you from knowing.
AP Confirms: Noncitizens Voting in USA Elections – How is this allowed?
Fauci Lied - Sen Rand Paul in pursuit of the COVID truth
Top NIH Advisor Deleted Records to Help Fauci Avoid COVID Transparency - Well?
FBI Authorized To Use Deadly Force Against Trump During Mar-A-Lago Raid – Nothing to see here. Just authorizing an assassination. Really.
Winston Smith File: White House Issues 10 Corrections for One Biden Speech
Federal Budget: Interest Payments Overtake Defense Spending
“Genderqueer Witch” Surveys Kids’s Sexuality Without Parental Permission
Here’s a valuable freebie’ The Hoover Institute presents the smartest man in the room: Victor Davis Hanson’s latest. You can get your free copy of Dueling Populisms using this secure link:
Always a good read from fellow Substackers
TL Davis – Sinking the Republic
Elizabeth Nickson Global Censorship Prison Built By CIA Women
Domenic Scarcella Kicking Harrison Butker to the Curb
And great reading from Jim Bovard.
Thanks for reading this far! Hope you have wild ‘n’ wooly plans for the Long Holiday Weekend. Here at La Casa de Wilson, we’ll be ‘wild’ alright with the new arrival of English Cream Golden Retriever crowned “Wilson’s Gracie Grace,” now 12 weeks and driving us insane as puppies are designed to do!
If you haven’t already, grab a sub below. And be sure to brighten your friend’s and enemies’ weekend by sharing these pearls to fight their holiday boredom. Hey! It may be raining where they are! Or worse, stuck at Chicago’s O’Hairport!
Thanks for the links. I love substack. It is the best platform so far on the Internet. I wonder how long it will last?
Thanks kindly! I'm in some excellent company (Jim Bovard, etc.) :-)