You know the cliché about “Assume” but I’ll take that chance.
I’m going to assume that you and the majority of BWW devotees recall the day, time, or event that became your epiphany about Government—that glorious moment when you experienced your own Concord Bridge moment. And you were the one who fired first. With that, you entered the actuating realm of Self-Rule and became the Government of You. Self-government became real rather than a ‘political philosophy’.
February 10, 1966, Hwy 190, Erwinville, Louisiana, approximately 3 pm CT. I want to be more specific but I was unconscious and would remain that way for the next 2 months. An 18-wheeler had decided it didn’t want me using the passing lane for its posted purpose so, at 70 mph, this monstrosity drifted into my 1964 Mercury Comet Caliente pushing us into the center lane guard rail. After sheering off 10 supporting posts and 4 rails, sheering off the front end (engine included), the remaining two-thirds began doing 360s down the highway, Yours Truly still in the driver’s seat. If you’re any good at physics, you can calculate what’s happening. For the rest of us…the centrifugal force threw me out the passenger windows, across both lanes, landing firmly on the shoulder where I and my broken neck, jaw, arms, ribs, and other contusions waited patiently for the ambulance. Meanwhile, the twirling Comet slammed front-first into a concrete retaining wall, thus ending its ballet.
Since I was visiting a galaxy far away, you’re wondering how I know all this? The driver of another 18-wheeler, a quarter mile behind us, saw the whole thing. Since the Offending Wheeler didn’t stop to admire the results of his driving skills, the trailing trucker pulled over for a look-see. A few months later, passing through Baton Rouge, he dropped by Our Lady of the Lake hospital to see what had become of me. Having rejoined the planet, I entertained him in my Intensive Care Suite (with adjoining bath) to pick his brain.
At this juncture, you’re likely wondering WTH does this have to do with the “beginning of your Revolution” or self-governance?
Thanks for wondering.
All this led to a moment that, just as in Saul/Paul’s legendary Damascus Road Experience, made all the difference.
Still in traction, discussing legal ramifications with Jerry McKernan (RIP), my new unaffordable attorney, he said, “It’s too bad you weren’t wearing a seatbelt.”
There it was: the musket shot at Concord Bridge!
First, seatbelts were optional in 1964 vehicles and whoever bought my Comet new didn’t opt. More importantly, police and others who saw the wreckage concluded had I been strapped in the vehicle, I would have ended my days as a large red stain on a pristine piece of road construction.
Previously indifferent, I was immediately converted to a permanent opponent of automotive seatbelts.
In July 1968, seatbelts became mandatory; State law requiring their use came later. Regardless, I became a leading opponent of their mandatory use. Of course, the Government declared them a “life-saving, public health invention! Thousands of lives are saved every year by their use!”
What’s never publicized is the number of lives lost every year by travelers trapped by the “life-losing” invention. This morbid statistic was made reprehensible by the myriad of State laws requiring their use. “Click It or Ticket” is the latest cutesy way the State says it will fine you for (possibly) not protecting yourself.
On my Talk shows, I maintained the State has no legal or implied obligation to protect me against me. Official Highway Safety Spokesfolk called: “The seatbelt also protects other drivers from your recklessness!” Really? How does it do that? Does fastening my seatbelt make me a safer driver? If I’m drunk, does it sober me up with just a ‘click’? If I nod off, cross the center line, hit a Chevy van, and kill a family of 8, why weren’t they automatically protected by my wearing a seatbelt? What about theirs? If I plow into a tree and die because I wasn’t wearing my State-mandated seatbelt, what cost is that to the State? Must the State be indemnified for its loss of unpilfered taxes I will no longer be gouged? What if I’m killed because I was obeying the law? Is my family compensated for their loss due to legal obedience to the State? Testy conversations ensued. Most callers hung up frustrated, confused, or angry. Such is the effect of Obedience to the State.
The Final Argument involved embarrassing percentages.
51% of Males killed in car crashes weren’t buckled. What about the ‘buckled’ 49%? Aren’t seatbelts supposed to save lives? “Compared to 39% for Women”. Same question: how was it the remaining 61% ‘buckled” didn’t finish the ride?
Seatbelt use does not save lives or kill people. It is a device that passively participates in both, depending on circumstances irrespective of the device itself. The State is the killer. Mandating its use with threats of fines, even incarceration, for failure to obey eliminates Free Choice. ‘Statistical advisability’ does not create the basis for an unconstitutional law; fear, political power, lobbying, and emotional jargon do that.
The Seatbelt Epiphany, while not as sudden and dramatic as Saul/Paul’s, started my personal Revolution, opposing the force of the State whenever Free Choice and basic Human Rights are compromised. Over the years, I’ve received several tickets for not obediently ‘clicking’. Posing some of the questions above, my cases were dismissed in all but two in traffic court. So there’s that.
In a few days, a new administration will begin running our lives and the rest of the world; the “end of an error” as I wrote recently. There are many ‘libertarian’ ideas floating among Trump’s appointees and advisors. If you have willingly self-recruited in the Revolution for the restoration of Freedom and against aggressive Government Force, keep an eye on coming events, encouraging such efforts when possible and resisting the odious ones sure to come.
Thanks for reading this far.
For a Good Time…read this piece from Dom Scarcella
And a couple of good ones from T.L. Davis here and here.
And while you’re here…
"Assume" = "Ah, so sue me."
That was my 14th birthday in Lincoln, Nebraska. It was a good day for me.
I've been in car accidents with seat belts on and off. I got hurt either way, and I have the scars to prove it.
Thanks for the story. The most unbelievable part for me was that you bought a 1964 Comet.
Thomas Sowell, if I recall, had a succinct way of explaining the tradeoffs that happen in all alleged solutions to problems. We're not all in the same boat, nor in the same seatbelt, it seems.
And thanks for the plug!