It is not exactly the Thanksgiving message media types customarily broadcast this time of year. Norman Rockwell paintings, old family photos, and stirring up dust in memory bins are the more standard fare. Yet no one can deny we are living the Chinese Curse to “live in interesting times”. There’s no need to ignore that reality for the sake of tradition when one realizes that tradition may not have the future we hope it does. For that, staying informed is required irrespective of what the calendar and MSM say. So here’s this sobering Brad Smith piece.
And Brad’s analysis notwithstanding, Cassie and I hope your Thanksgiving plans become some of the happiest memories you make this year.
Thanks for reading this far.
What's the real story of Russia's big ballistic missile attack? It's a response to the US and the UK lobbing missiles into Russia obviously, but what kind of response is it actually? Is it a nuclear threat? If not what was the point?
The point, as far I can tell, is to show the world what the newest generation of weapons is capable of and the threat is not that they will arm them with nukes, but the fact that they will supply them to nations like China, Syria, Iran and North Korea.
Welcome to the new arms race, Biden got the cold war his handlers wanted and it could bankrupt us, like we did to the USSR.
These new missiles are accurate enough and powerful enough to take out an aircraft carrier or even to take down large air fields and nothing we have right now can stop them.
Think of a war against a modern force armed with tons of drones, if you don't have air-superiority. With four of these missiles an entire airfield is gone, compared with around 200 cruise missiles. With enough of them there will be no airstrips to fight from.
This missile deployed six sets of six extremely large bullets traveling at hyper-sonic speed. The Kinetic Energy of even of of these darts from space is tremendous and each missile carries a total of thirty six of them.
To have any hope of defense against these it will cost a trillion dollars to develop and deploy and that's what this is about. It's about forcing the US into spending a massive amount of money, while Russia profits from the sales of these newest wonder weapons.
Of course this waste of money is a bonus to the brain trust in Washington, who think it's somehow good for the economy, to build weapons, rather than fixing anything here at home.
I have stated a number of times that Russia can escalate in a large number of ways that do not include the use of nuclear weapons. They can arm their allies with nukes, like they did in Belarus. They can use cyber attacks or sabotage, they can play geo-political games in Africa or in South America, etc. etc. etc.
There is talk about NATO nations sending troops to Ukraine.
I'll tell you right now, We don't have enough to make a real difference, not unless all the NATO countries implemented a draft.
One of the things you learn in the light infantry is how small of a force we actually are. There are about 20,000 infantrymen and another 10,000 Marines who are deployable at any given time.
The National Guard has more infantry than that, but they also train one time a month, they aren't bad soldiers per se, but they are also not truly fit to wage a large scale war like Ukraine and if we end up in a real war, they will be needed here for various things anyway.
We are spread thin already, very thin and recruitment hasn't exactly been going all that well.
The UK doesn't have enough infantrymen to last a week, same for France and Germany, etc.
It's crazy if you ask me. We spend a trillion bucks a year and we don't have enough guys to last six months at the front in a war like Ukraine.
For us to enter into this war in a way that would matter, we would need to turn half our infantrymen into drill instructors first, while we implement the draft. Do you think there is ANY appetite to do that for a place most people couldn't find on a map?
So what are they really talking about when they claim they are discussing sending troops?
They are talking about using them after the war is finished, as a group of Multi-national peace-keepers and observers. (Like we have keeping the peace between Israel and Egypt.)
They would be "trip-wires". In other words Russia could no longer attack Ukraine without hitting soldiers from a number of NATO nations and setting off a larger war. Ukraine doesn't get to join NATO under this plan, but if Russia attacks again, it's war anyway.
All Ukraine wants is to be sure they can't be attacked again without allies who will step in. That's what they ask for in Turkey during the peace deal that was scuttled by the UK, at the very start of the war.
The next six months will look very grim and very scary, so long as we get through it, this will go down in history as the closest we have come to WWIII. If we avoid it, it will be due to Putin's restraint, not our Dear Uncle Joe and Friends.
In any regard, the world will never be the same again, new alliances have been formed that will not be undone in my lifetime or yours. The new Multi-polar world is being born as we speak.
I've been warning since the war in Syria started and Russia entered, that we don't want another cold war, the last one sucked and we might not win this one, not with all our debt.
Ending the war in Ukraine will probably be the easy war to end. I doubt Trump will pull a rabbit out of his hat and end Cold War 2.0, they won't let him and I'm not sure he even wants to.
Let's hope I'm wrong and that he does something to keep the Military Industrial complex from bankrupting us all. They truly are the biggest threat to our nation, not Russia, China, Iran or North Korea.
Our biggest actual threat, is debt. I'd call this the Osama Bin Laden Strategy on Steroids.
I don't think that Biden's handlers wanted to sabotage Trump's ability to end the Ukraine war, at most this newest weapons shipment will delay the inevitable. I also think they are banking on Putin showing Restraint because Trump is coming soon. They can get away with getting a few punches in on the way out, hoping Putin will wait for Trump's deal.
I believe that what Biden's handlers were actually after when they shipped this last batch of weapons, was to make sure that there will be a very big Cold War 2.0. That's where the big bucks are and I'm sure they figure it would be more manageable than our current fiascos.
Old Cold Warriors never die, they just smell like they have.
Brad Smith
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.
Great last line!