"It Makes no sense"
Easily the most hackneyed, tedious, superfluous ‘knee-jerk’ comment riddling conversations throughout the country.
The subject is irrelevant: sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll, politics, economics, crime, business, medicine - pick a subject; at some juncture, you will reach a collision of cognition that “makes no sense”.
But scratch the surface of reason, logic,
or history and we discover, like many other bromides, ‘makes no sense’ makes perfect sense after all.
A few examples…
Anyone who made it successfully through Econ 101 can tell you FRNs (Federal Reserve Notes) are script, fiat money, pieces of paper with some writing and numbers on them marking the dominations of our currency. A reasonably well-informed student could also add that, based on economic principles, the slips of paper are worthless – except in the American Monopoly Game played with the world’s ‘Reserve Currency’. When the Fed prints a few extra trillion to ‘fight inflation’, the knee-jerk reaction from economists is “This makes no sense! It’s contrary to basic economics! This just creates more inflation by devaluing the worth of the dollar with excess dollars!! – Hrrrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph! This makes no sense!”
Of course, they’re right.
Technically. But scratch that surface of logic, reason, and history. When hitting the Fed’s ‘Print’ button, what if it’s Government’s intention to devalue the dollar? What if inflation is Government’s friend? By hurting Middle-Class Americans hardest, inflation forces them to become even more dependent on Government. Result? Government grows in size and power and, most importantly, control over us, our Freedom, Liberty, and Rights.
“It makes no sense” starts to make some sense, after all.
Any government law, regulation, rule, tax, embargo, restriction, or prohibition on business ‘makes no sense’ because it always inflicts damage on the Free Market. Prior to the 20th Century, the Government managed well enough without the endless list of laws, taxes, regulations, and onerous fees that burden every business today, especially the small ones that cannot ‘pass the cost’ on to the consumer. Whether absorbed through nefarious government/tax back-channels, loopholes, or making consumers carry these costs directly, the Freedom and Prosperity of the American citizen don’t fare well at all. Government choke-holds on the Free Market constrict Americans‘ pursuit of Life, Liberty, Happiness, and ownership of private property. Liberating the Free Market from Government control also increases freedom for the American citizen. While a good thing for individual liberty, from the Government’s perspective, this ‘makes no sense’. Logic, reason, and history explain how making no sense for Government makes certain it will make no sense for the citizen and will, as a result, will not be permitted.
Common among politicians today is the astounding notion that cashless bail and early release of freshly captured criminals is the best way to fight crime. Prior records, firearm violations, physical abuse, and property damage even committed in daylight are punishable by “Inconvenience”, a few hours of photography and paperwork and release is granted. No jail time, no fines, maybe a note on the personal record but otherwise, no worries. To believe this version of ‘law enforcement’ truly ‘makes no sense’. The proof of its failure is everywhere, all the time, on the news, and in your face. No metropolitan area can accurately state this ‘law enforcement’ practice is enforcing the law, lowering crime, protecting citizens or businesses under any circumstances. In any context, this ‘makes no sense’.
But wait. Scratch that scratching post of logic, reason, and history again.
When applied to the devastating results of these Government programs and others mentioned above, all three qualifiers support the conclusion that Government ‘logic’ nullifies ‘reason’ to extend its ‘history’ of increased control over citizens’ rights with no lasting benefits. Charging the results of Government action ‘make no sense’ actually makes no sense and, instead, makes every sense – except to citizens and the preservation of Liberty.
When considering Freedom and Liberty, it is Government that ‘makes no sense’.