Well, that didn’t take long.
The Democrat's kumbaya of the post-attempted assassination of DJT didn’t make it 24 hours. Jacqueline Marsaw, Field Director for Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson/MI, was booted for her posting on X, “I don't condone violence, but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time oops, that wasn't me talking."
Cute, right? The poor Dems just can’t help themselves! Vicious Inappropriate Political Humor is their game, their outlet for vitriol for everything Republican, Conservative, or Not Them.
It is interesting that NBC may have found some taste and gray matter when deciding to cancel Monday’s “Morning Joe” with that loveable lug, host, and former poly tick, Joe Scarborough, and his well-connected co-host/wife Mika, daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor under Jimmy Carter. Little known fact, he co-founded the notorious Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller. That may explain the content of Mika’s commentary. But I digress. The NBC Brass figured the loose cannons of liberal flatulence that populate the “show” were too likely to shoot their mouths off in their uniquely repulsive manner with the country still reeling from Saturday's attempted assassination of the former President, now the Republican nominee. With a keen sense for the obvious, the Big Shots at 30 Rock could see the monster problems that would ravage their ad revenue when “Morning Joe” and his gang of blithering jackwagons engaged in their predictable insulting gum-flapping.
Despite the forced sobriety on display across Liberal Land, the result of Orders from Headquarters, it was just another act to dupe the rubes in flyover country into thinking the Chaos Party had seen the light from the muzzle flash and will now “turn down the heat of hateful rhetoric”…you know, so the nation can come together - to unify! – in principled debate, to be settled at Joe Biden’s ‘battle boxes” that he invented by Executive Slur in his opportunistic address from the Oral Office. In his best creepy talk-whisper, you could see the desperate hope in his squint that those same rubes (and suddenly antagonistic MSM) forget Biden’s infamous Philadelphia 3rd Reich-a-like speech along with his more recent “put a bullseye on Donald Trump” doozie. Raise your hand if you think Biden & Co. have turned over a new leaf and will be good little tyrants until November. If you raised your hand, take this opportunity to slap yourself in the face and snap out of it! Narcissists and psychopaths don’t change because of a near miss. They’re the same lying pond scum from the DC swamp they’ve always been. And they like it there too much to change.
But there is Good News! The otherwise sleeping Sixpacks across our fruited plain (thanks, Rush) are waking up, not just to the sound of shots fired from an AR-15, but to the broadcast transparency of unbalanced hatred members and minions of the Chaos Party have displayed for years in perfect camo, now stripped away, plainly hoisted on their petty petards. Sadly, it’s not going to stop. Just like the old leopard and her spots, the warped mental derangement of liberal narcissists is indelible, incurable, and indefatigable.
For those waking up in time for the November elections, more than ever, they have a clear vision of the distinction between the Party of Chaos wallowing in the past and someone with an indelible record demonstrating the executive ability and leadership to get good things done again for the country and our future—even with a pierced ear!
Good article. There is no changing the National Security Warfare/Welfare State. It has to go. If people really want a government, it had better be a small one...a very small one.