Fog in the Middle East
Right about this time of unimaginable chaos and bloodshed in Israel, Gaza and soon to adjacent parts in the Middle East, two well-known comments should be front of mind: “The fog of war” and “the first fatality when war comes is truth”.
On Saturday, the “fog” rolled in early and thick with MSM outlets creating a tsunami of breathless ‘news’ about events unfolding in Israel and Gaza. Not to say ‘news’ is not important; it is. So important, it’s vital in its truest meaning. But accurate news is beyond vital; it is imperative for proper and accurate conclusions and decisions to be made. When facts get lost in the ‘fog’, bad things happen: bad military decisions, political decisions, actions that can and do adversely affect innocents, even under the best of circumstances and accuracy.
War is never a time for political posturing. But it always happens. In the ‘fog’. War is never a time for those in power to take advantage of the ‘fog’ to increase their power at the expense of Freedom. But they always do, killing Truth in the process.
The slings and arrows of outrageous bullshit will be flying fast and furious in the weeks and months to come and/or until the Govt-MSM axis of manipulation has wrung from the carnage and tragedy all the self-serving benefits it can.
To be immune to this and pending atrocity propaganda, remember there are no vestal virgins involved. No country, area, government, media or ‘leaders’ have bleached themselves with Pure Motives and Unassailable Integrity. Beware of having your ‘ears tickled’ without exercising your Due Diligence. Put more bluntly: watch whose lips are moving.
Protect yourself with critical thinking, factual analysis, logic and independent research.
Indeed, these may be “the times that try men’s souls.” Don’t get lost in the ‘fog of war’ by the popular narrative, and wind up a ‘summer soldier’ or ‘sunshine patriot’. Your individual integrity to the principles you live by depend on it.
Note: The next episode of the “Two and Only” has been slightly delayed – but it will be loitering in your Inbox shortly.
Brian Wilson is absolutely spot on, as usual.