Just Day 2 and the New Year starts off with a bang. (pun intended).
Already, the FBI is performing its never-popular Keystone Kops routine to perfection, in a feeble attempt to upstage the Secret Service’s Butler, PA performance. Difficult, I know, but if you’ve been following the Foot-In-Mouth, Shot-In-Foot antics of the NOLA Fibbi Folks, stifling a hearty guffaw has been difficult. That it’s also an insult to the grieving is a given. Of no government concern either, despite the (still) president Biden’s soothing address to the Public <sarc off>, obviously pissed for events interrupting of his ethically-challenged “Democratic Donors St. Croix Holiday To Camp David Vacation at Tax Payer Expense”. *(Show of hands if you knew Brandon had left the Caribbean and was holed up at Camp David). No worries, the principally compromised MSM has written him off, too. One could reasonably conclude the being back at the White House was too dangerous. For him to be that close to the Obama holdovers and CIA vegetation still acting (literally) on his behalf and that close to a microphone, he might have had an articulate moment of clarity and blown the lid off everything! Hard to believe hiding in the frosty Maryland hills and Camp David when recalling how Dr. Jill was salivating to play Queen. Gotta be tough for her having to give up Air Force One for Air Farce Two and no publicly funded folks to do her mani-pedies.
But I digress…
Because of highly anticipated Federal Law Enforcement Investigative Bumbling, serious people are having serious doubts how the New Year’s Eve NOLO and Lost Wages, NV vehicular homicides and fireworks are being (not) handled. Refusing to answer questions about an “ongoing investigation” can be understood by us Ordinary Americans, but the stream of “no comments” does not inspire confidence in the alphabet soup badge-wavers who use them as a shield from their massive fumbles and failure, whether by DEI hires with new nose rings or just standard government incompetence.
Thanks to the hive of citizen journalists at X, Paul Joseph Watson and other credible Alt Media sites, the sturm und drang of probe and poke will keep the Truth drip drip dripping out. On a more serious note, there may be really important matters on the horizon that could go badly unnoticed thanks to the continuing but well-deserved erosion of integrity at the MSM.
Here is a cogent warning from an experienced source that may well play into events between now and Jan.20. For the more casual reader, noted investigative reporter, Catherine Herridge, has this chunk of information that may have you stocking up on Sominex.
Here’s hoping for a rousing but peaceful Sugar Bowl game today. (Go Dawgs!)
Thanks for reading this far.
Thanks for the links! The NOLO Police Department is notoriously and infamously known for incompetence and corruption. I still remember how bad the cops were during Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath. Maybe the mayor will give the police another expense-paid trip to Las Vegas.
My family are all big Notre Dame fans. My brother and niece graduated from ND. My Dad was on the Notre Dame Science Board for about 20 years. My folks have donated funds to the school. Dad had some good stories from his time on the Science Board.
Dad was trying to get a new Science Building built using funds from Notre Dame's Trust Fund. So Dad asked one of the Holy Cross priests, "Well, what is the Trust Fund for then?"
Father Murphy, "Aye, Jim. "'Twould be easier to explain the Mystery of the Trinity than the purpose of the Trust Fund."
Corrupt politicians should all be treated as Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu were.