With needless apologies to The Who and a respectful hat-tip to Tom Sowell, here is what hopefully will be an irregular reoccurring 'feature' of Brianwilsonwrites.
Dr. Sowell's original “Odds and Sods” column, produced on whimsical occasion, was an amalgamation of thoughts, subjects, ideas, and other stuff he observed but didn't have time to comment in depth. That, or the 'item' spoke sufficiently for itself.
Creatively appropriating Dr. Sowell motives, it's my intent to offer something similar here, especially since friend Tom 'retired' from regular column-writing some time ago. Personally, I will be forever grateful for his moving tribute to our mutual friend, the late Walter E. Williams.
Contemplate if so moved. Use for motivational inspiration if necessary. Whatever works, the following is for Entertainment Purposes Only! If it fails at that, there will be no sequels, irregular or otherwise!
How do car insurance companies believe mindless yammering about nothing concerning car insurance, other than “saving on premiums”, is sufficient to attract new customers? Similarly, how does the inclusion of a stupendously ugly Australian bird add to that purpose? Salamander with a British accent? Celebrity morons acting moronically? Costs notwithstanding, I personally find it hard to reward outright cretinism.
The congeniality of members of the medical profession seems to have been another victim of the COVID “epidemic”.
Why do the Customer Relations or Service Departments of companies catering to the public employ individuals with accents so bad they are unintelligible? Why do those individuals think if they SPEAK LOUDER they magically become comprehensible?
It's beyond difficult but necessary to read articles concerning child trafficking. Drag Queen shows in elementary schools is beyond my comprehension. Parents who condone them should be taken out behind the barn.
The most motivated football team often beats their more talented opponents. Why does my Alma Mater’s team come out of every huddle with raised pinkies?
I didn't choose a career in broadcasting because a jacket and tie were not required. It was a mitigating factor, however.
Just received word Wells-Fargo has 'pre-selected you for a personal loan up to $55,000”. 'Take the next step to get the funds you need.” If I don’t “need”, can I get the bux anyway?
Victor Davis Hanson might be the smartest and best observer of current events available today.
My Toyota Tundra just turned over 155,000 miles. Other than regular maintenance (and a burned out parking light) it has been absolutely Care Free. It's also paid for! (It should be; it's 10 years old!) So why can't I stop drooling over the new ones with $700/month payments!?
Hunting season approaches! Somewhere between adolescence and today, I lost the ‘thrill of the hunt’ and needlessly killing another living thing. OTOH, I have some really good venison recipes! Maybe if I ever get unbearably hungry and all my friends have given up hunting, too… (All bets are off if the local coyotes attack Nellie, my Golden Retriever)
You've heard “good friends are hard to find”. Like good subscribers – cherish the ones yo have, especially the ones hundreds of miles away.
75% of your body heat escapes through your head. So with a good hat, you should be able ski naked.
Autumn is coming. Your ETA will vary. Either way, it's my favorite season.
Thanks for your indulgence. Hopefully, Dr. Sowell won't be sending Hate mail!
Stay tuned to your Inbox or this web site for the Two And Only coming up next – unless circumstances require an intervention!
This would be a good time to do your Button Mashing – assuming you haven't engaged in this worthy exercise earlier. The Subscribe and Share buttons are in their customary places...
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