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A Substack subscriber wrote:
Hey Brian
Since government derives its power from the consent of the governed, how can the governed withdraw its consent and institute a new government knowing the present government will resist with violence?
Great - and vexing - question!
The obvious answer (required) is the process of withdrawing consent and instituting a new government will be difficult and complex, particularly if the present government is resistant to change and willing to use violence to maintain its power.
One approach is to use nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience to pressure the government to change. This can involve peaceful protests, strikes, boycotts, and other forms of nonviolent action designed to disrupt the normal functioning of society and draw attention to the issues at hand. Think of John Galt’s role in Atlas Shrugged.
Another approach is to work within the existing political system to effect change. This can involve running for office, supporting political candidates who share your views, and engaging in grassroots political activism to mobilize others in support of your cause.
In extreme cases, such as when the government is engaged in gross human rights abuses or other egregious violations of the law, the use of force may be necessary to effect change. However, this should always be a last resort and requires a mountain of strategic Due Diligence. It’s also important to ensure that any use of force is proportionate and justifiable. Trading a tyrant for a tyrant is a zero-sum game that does zero to advance Freedom and Liberty.
Ultimately, the key to withdrawing consent and instituting a new government is to mobilize a critical mass of people who share your views and are willing to take whatever action necessary to effect change. This has always been a difficult and lengthy process, but it is possible with determination, persistence, and a commitment to nonviolence and peaceful change. Remember Sam Adams’ famous quote "It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men".
Are you ‘irate and tireless’ yet?
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Thank you. Your eloquent, profound articulation re. "Over The Transom" is spot on.
It triggered my historical-oriented brain cells to recall the reason we need to enforce our Founding Father's original concept of having "citizen representatives" elected to The House and The Senate for short terms of service to "we the people".
Point being, we need Term Limits in The House and The Senate... two Term limits each... although I will concede The House could be two 4-year Terms instead of 2-year Terms. These short Term Limits would help eliminate a lot of today's government corruption and related corporate manipulations. Plus, no former elected official should ever be allowed to become a Lobbyist... and no former military officers should ever be allowed to retire and then work for manufacturers of military weapons and/or supplies.
David Hill, CGC
10th Generation American, since 1719.