First, an apology to everyone who attempted to link provided in my last piece. Due to policies, glitches, Trump, COVID, halitosis – the link went “Private” after sending. It is still available here:
If, for some reason that still doesn’t cut it, go to the end of the Zero Hedge article. Still there. Still functional. Sorry for the hassle, but I believe it’s worth the effort.
One thing about Alex Jones. Anyone who has heard/watched him, comes away with a definite opinion. While it’s natural to assume the majority find him an offensive, ‘far out’, exaggeration of an air personality, the worst of all ‘conspiracy theorists’, his listeners, his fan base is in the millions. At one time, his audience was larger than Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck combined. Wikipedia’s extensive ‘page’ is a hit piece only a government agency could write so thoroughly. (The recent revelation the CIA has been editing Wiki pages for years may have a perfect example with this.)
Maybe there are just that many naive morons in the word inclined to buy into his rants and raves. Over the years, that’s what I thought. Watching/hearing him occasionally, I was quick to judge him as a fellow talker and entertainer. The genre cannot be successful, one without the other. But, for me, his act got in the way of his message. Yes, humor, sarcasm, feigned outrage have a place in the Theaterof the Mind making your message compelling to the listener. But Jones, in my opinion, violated the rule of Moderation: ‘too much of anything’ is counter-productive”. I disregarded the “message” because I couldn’t get past his ‘act’.
The Carlson conversation changed that.
Behind the volcanic bluster Is a man who profoundly believes his message. Big deal. I’ve never known a host who understood he was really All Hat and No Cattle. That isn’t to say they don’t exist. But reflected in the Carlson piece, Jones reveals he brings substantial irrefutable research and solid details to his shows. It was only in the relative peace of the Carlson venue, Jones spoke instead of bellowed. He cited specifics, not glittering generalities and vacuous accusations. As we say in the biz: He’s done his homework – which is why I recommend listening. Jones speaks to the things everyone reading this is concerned about and frustrated, dealing with the contradictions in society, government, law, media, medicine – all the ‘pillars’ of the ‘infrastructure’ of our lives turning upside down without reason or explanation.
You may have pre-conceived ideas about Jones. Carlson calls him “the most censored man in American history!” Why? When facts are presented, professional liars have a short shelf life. You may think Carlson is nothing more than another talking head. OK – but examining his content over the years, it’s tough to find a career built on bullshit. Regardless of personalities, the factual material, the causes, effects, plans for your future and who is controlling them are the discussion. If reputations make you skeptical, no problem. Fact checking is available. It will be scarier than you might imagine.
Homework is what it's all about. Whenever criticism never rises to the level of Content, just personal ad hominems, whatever the 'argument' is lost. Sadly with radio, many people don't get past voice quality. I mentioned that to Mark Levin in a spat we had. He was not happy - but he has improved!
Brian: I have followed Infowars for many years. I would listen to Alex Jones in the old days. Now he just rants and his voice gets on my nerves. However, his show is excellent. Owen Shroyer is great on the show as was David Knight. Jones, like James Corbett, does his homework.
Tucker Carlson is a media flack. I'm not sure what he stands for. He's rich and a preppie. I think he tries to be a champion for the people, but he's never gotten his hands dirty.
Carlson reminds me of the Jeff Bridges character in the movie "Cutter's Way". Jones would be the wounded Vietnam War veteran in the movie.