Without belaboring the point – which, by definition, I’m doing by belaboring the point – there’s this lingering sense of obligation for an apology and small explanation for the Two and Only July 4th Bash – specifically to all new in the Stack…
Feeble attempts at humor aside, recent War Games with Ma Nature and the Chinese Rot lowered the quality of the otherwise sterling audio product old and former ‘fans’ have every right to expect on a professionally produced podcast (subject material notwithstanding!).
Ma Nature’s allies in what used to be respected as the ‘medical profession’ have aligned themselves with the Dark Side, armed with everything from unauthorized experimental juice that can kill you, to the employment of ignorant, incompetent, indifferent “administrative personnel” at formerly credible medical institutions whose ham-handed ‘expertise’ coupled with Snowflake work ethic, GN Z resentment blended with the septic tank of attitudes fostered by All the Usual Suspects degrading our social infrastructure, doing an excellent job at keeping us all pissed off.
Specifically, the Industrial Strength drugs, ‘elephant guns’ used on these rabbit hunts to treat a nasty virus continue to do more chartered harm than good – if you take the time to peek behind the curtain…
I have peeked; I have been there!
A Special Beard-Flip to Jim Bovard’s typically solid review of the 1St Amendment gift from Judge Doughty. There may be hope yet. (ahem)
Apologies (2) for the paucity of audio quality of our last – my voice – but have been assured This Too Will Pass, Your Ears Will Recover and, we’ll get back to having a good time without the distraction of a poor RFK,jr imitation (not that there’s anything wrong with what he says! We’re trying to book him))
On a bright(er) note, in the weeks ahead, Dr. Don Williams will pay another visit, old pal, economist Tom Di Lorenzo (Politically Incorrect Guide to Economics)) will drop by to explain GDP, Unemployment, Inflation and other lies, so the rest of us can understand.
I’ll be posting the earliest Valentine’s Day present you may ever receive – certainly more unique than anything Hallmark will ever produce! Stay tuned!
Thanks for signing up for Substack. The success and popularity have exceeded my delusional expectations.
And thanks for the Best Wishes. I don’t ‘do’ sick with any shred of decency!