“When PSYOPs are the weapon of choice in the battle for the minds of American citizens, it becomes difficult to know who to believe. All sides in the conflict are guilty of attempting to shape reality in the people's minds. Truth is the first casualty in propaganda wars.” Rand Paul Review
Paul’s Substack features a ‘wide-ranging interview’ with Jacob Chansley, the horned “Q-Anon Shaman” of J6. Late in the conversation, Chanley says “…our socioeconomic and geopolitical systems are so corrupted and distorted because our spiritual systems and our spiritual perspective has become so corrupted and so distorted.”
The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that school-mandated prayers in public schools are unconstitutional since 1962. Take prayer out of schools and you take God out of culture. That is the root of the problem. Marxists hate God. You get the picture.” Rand Paul Review
No, I don’t because it’s not the complete picture. Rand Paul of all people should have immediately pounced with the only practical, Constitutional, Liberty-based solution: Get the Government Out of the Schools. Eradicate the late Jimmy Carter’s “Dept. of Education”, nothing more than a schmooze to the teachers union to support his (failed) re-election. It educates no one. It costs millions. It’s unconstitutional (10thA). The roots of “public education” run back to Germany’s “kindergarten” to create mindless, obedient ‘servants of the State’, not critical-thinking individuals or creative entrepreneurs.
Inserting “God”, “morals”, and “morality” - three of the most divisive subjects that will derail any debate about pragmatic government function” guarantees – what else? - derailment of constructive discussion in pursuit of overdue solutions.
Millions have discovered numerous satisfying answers to educating their kids: homeschooling, private schooling, parochial schooling, and charter schools. The results have produced graduates who perform at academic levels equal or superior to Public Schools. More important - lessons in Morality, God, Prayer, the Bible are rightfully and Constitutionally left to the choice and decision of parents. Not the State. Not the Government. Not the Teachers Union. Parents’ authority, free choice, and responsibility trump all others.
After such statements, comes the predictable Horror Tsunami of “What If’s”, the flood of rhetorical questions and objections predicting disastrous endings if the State is not in charge. This comes from two Special Interest Groups: Political and Ignorant.
Political groups, like all things political, are laser-beam focused on power and control. Free, critical-thinking people of any age are anathema to those addicted to running the lives of others, especially when the goals are for “the greater good of society.” The ‘greater good’ accrues only to those in power.
The Ignorant groups define themselves accordingly; unaware of the harm their compliance inflicts on their children and their futures. They fail to see the oxymoron within the State’s compulsory attendance laws: “Children between specific ages are required by law to attend the free education.” Truant Officers are employed to force attendance to something the State calls “free”. School Taxes alone prove such “free education” is not free at all. Replacing parental choice, authority, and responsibility with State law is child abuse in itself.
Unlike power and control psychopaths, Ignorance may be treated with publicity, explanation, options, and results. Those choosing not to avail themselves of the alternatives to the government regimentation of compulsory attendance laws (compelled to take your ‘free education’) are free to seek any other solutions that serve their goals.
The last 20 years, despite a purposely adversarial media, have repeatedly and openly demonstrated Government is not the “solution” to anything beyond its Constitutional responsibilities. The flagrant abuse of consented power has produced corruption, lies, deceptions, international interference, wars, two-tier ‘Lawfare’, and stifling regulations promulgated by the Elected and Unelected who have done nothing to protect Freedom, Liberty, and Natural Rights of the people who consented to ‘just powers’, steadily abrogating them over the last 249 years.
Hopefully, Sen. Paul and others will see 2025 as an overdue opportunity to leave duly selected religious leaders to handle their flocks’ spiritual issues and stop using their legislative responsibilities for manipulative Sunday school lessons that only emphasize the government’s systemic hypocrisy. Start by implementing legal and practical resolutions to the politically manufactured problems corroding the country and society.
Some people can't tell the deference between establishing a religion and respecting an establishment of religion. Such people will never get the first clause of the First Amendment right.
We have outsourced our morality to a combination of government actors from all across the board, they have taken over nearly every aspect of our lives, of course our moral compass is now spinning as a result.
Getting government out of the schools would help a ton, but it would only be a good first step.