Sunrise, Monday –Jan.29th. The “news” is silent on the situation – Abbott/Texas vs. Biden/Feds. The razor wire is still in place with more on the way. In defiance of the Biden Administration’s wishes, senior figures within Customs and Border Protection have stated that there are no plans to have Border Patrol agents remove razor wire barriers erected along sections of the border by the Texas National Guard. Biden’s ‘red line deadline’ for Texas to obey has been crossed. Speculation and Texas damnation from the Chattering Class is approaching hysteria. MSM Misinformation that Gov. Abbott was ‘ignoring the Supreme, Court decision’ is being spread like bovine excrement. There was no SCOTUS ‘decision’ to violate.
“There were no sentences, or paragraphs or pages of an opinion written by the Supreme Court, so no one knows at all what they were thinking – all we know is that they wanted to send it back to the 5th Circuit. There was no opinion about anything –about razor wire, what Texas is doing or anything like that.” Abbott said on Fox News
Stephen Valdek, Law professor, University of Texas at Austin on CNN:
“With regard to the court, all that the justices did on Monday was to vacate a lower-court injunction, which had itself prohibited federal officials from cutting or otherwise removing razor wire that Texas officials have placed along or near the US-Mexico border.”
Other legal pundits have also pointed out Abbott/Texas positions are on firm Constitutional footing citing Article IV, § 4, which promises that the federal government “shall protect each [State] against invasion,” and Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which acknowledges “the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.”
Meanwhile, “God’s Army” is heading up the “Take Our Country Back” convoy, truckin’ to a ‘peaceful demonstration’ at Eagle Pass Feb. 3.
With this much political kindling, just a small spark could ignite the “Civil War” we’ve been hearing so much about. What if this is really possible? What if both sides are prepping for it? Waiting for Biden’s ‘next shoe’ to drop, as of this writing twenty-five other states are sending National Guard to the Texas border, and others are likely to follow. Gov. Abbott says he is “prepared” for a conflict with federal authorities. Armed Texas LEO personnel are already on the scene.
What if…? Speculation notwithstanding, past actions, precedents, logic and objective analysis point to “Yes”. So far, Cognitive Dissidence and cooler heads are the only things standing in the way.
The most optimistic forecast is the Supreme Robes will render a decision that Gov. Abbott can live with and give Biden the political boost he so desperately needs. But if the SCOTUS decision doesn’t go his way sufficiently, Biden has already displayed his disdain for the Rule of Law ignoring the unconstitutionality of the Supreme’s Student Loan Forgiveness decision. Why would something so much more politically important neuter him from repeating that performance?
Various talking heads have already mapped out the ‘coming confrontation’. Without a speedy legal remedy, Eagle Pass will “turn hot”. Biden will immediately declare Martial Law. That 25 states are in support of Texas, that would justify a national declaration, suspend the Constitution and, among other things, postpone Election Day. That would fix Biden’s re-election problems with Trump as well as neuter any potential MAGA problems. With that pesky Constitution out of the way, Biden and the Dems would write whatever legislation serves their purposes (immigration rules, funding Ukraine, Israel and other Wish List items rejected by the Republican House majority e.g. gun control, tax increases, “Green Deal” mandates, etc.). Martial Law may be rescinded once all the other Green, WEF and Democrat pieces are in place.
But what if…The people pulling the strings (Blundering Biden isn’t capable of something this convoluted) decide Martial Law, etc. is premature? “Never let a crisis go to waste”, right? Before declaring Martial Law, “Biden” allows the border problem to be tied up in court for a month or so, allowing the coming Convoy to arrive and do its thing – then, borrowing a page from Canadian PM Trudeau’s playbook, arrest the truckers, freeze their bank accounts and assets as well and turn the occasion into another Jan. 6, declaring another ‘insurrection”. Game on. If Texans and sympathetically aligned citizens press the issue, Martial Law would be the next and final step.
Any substantive review of Biden/Obama’s comments and programs reveal it’s not Trump who has dictatorship tendencies, rather it is Biden/Obama who have clearly shown, if nothing else, with the use of “Lawfare” against political opponents, they have a heartfelt yearning for a tyrannical dictatorship.
As mentioned above, cognitive dissonance tends to reject such ideas; “Not in America!!” is the refrain. Reflecting on the last 3 years, however, how many other “things” thought impossible in America are now Standard Operating Procedure? Watch This Space – the week is just getting started.
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h/t Robert Gore
WOW! I hope you're not a prophet!
Frankly , Frank (!) As you know, I'm inclined to disparage the over-heated bellowing of the "Cold Dead Hands" crowd. The border invasion is 3 years and 8 million strong. It's not as if it's been kept secret from the rootin'-tootin' Deep-In-The-Heart-of-Texans or their Governor or their generally gutless Legislators. Where has their Militia been hiding out? Texas Rangers? And other fairy-tailed Bronco Busters? A little guerilla tactical action down by the riverside a couple years ago would have had an deleterious effect on the swimmers, walkers and cartel types. Oh that's right! It's an Erection Year!