Happy Dad’s Day! And a special Thanks to the Mom’s who helped out!
The next 3 articles you’ll receive are informative pieces from writers whose work I admire and find informative. Hopefully, you will, too.
First up - guest writer Brad Smith.
Why would Merrick Garland hand over the transcripts of Joe's interview but be willing to be held in contempt rather than hand over the audio tapes? How is one more dangerous/wrong than the other?
Garland claims that handing over the audio would have a chilling effect on future investigations and influence witnesses not to come forward, but what about the actual word-by-word transcripts?
Are we really supposed to believe that, really??
Would a possible leak of their exact words magically be less chilling than the audio being leaked? How? I'm guessing the Mob wouldn't care what inflection you put on "He ordered the hit.".
I'm curious how they think they can still claim executive privilege after handing over the transcripts or to put it another way, if the transcripts don't create this chilling effect, why would the audio?
What would be significantly different enough to make that claim valid or to want the tapes hidden?
Was he grunting like an ape or tap dancing, perhaps both at the same time while snapping his gum?
It's downright bizarre and I have yet to hear a logical explanation, I mean seriously, we all know he's gotten old and acts like it, what could be so bad? Was he acting That much worse than usual? Did he perhaps sound Guilty or sound like he was lying? That's certainly something that is easier to pick up on in audio form, rather than in writing.
Theleft-wing talking heads claim that since the Republicans have the transcripts, they don't need the audio, but they don't seem to get that what is obvious is that by refusing to hand it over, the public now wonders what they are hiding, and most have come up with a pretty good idea of what it is. In other words, they think Biden did, in fact, sound senile, belligerent, lying, or, more likely,y all three.
What exactly have they gained by not handing the audio over? Could his babbling really be that much worse than we imagine, and they really are afraid of a leak, not because of the chilling effect but because of how bad Biden sounded? Is it so bad that Democrats themselves would admit it, and is that what Biden's handlers are afraid of?
Nobody will Trust Republicans if they claim the audio is proof of senility or fabrication, but they might if a few prominent Democrats hear this audio and finally say enough is enough; this charade must end. Sad to say though, I don't think that's likely because I'm not sure there are even a few honest Democrats left in Washington and I'm positive there are no honest ones, that are also prominent enough to matter.
Why release the transcripts if they knew they wouldn't release the audio? From a legal standpoint, it would have been better to claim executive privilege applied to both. Releasing the transcripts undercuts their own legal case regarding the audio. Did they just not see it coming that Republicans would demand the audio, too?
In any case, Democrats have to spin this one really hard to have it make sense, even to Democrats who really, really, really want it to.
Thanks for reading this far!
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I've given up on politics. The situation is hopeless. Some things, like Humpty Dumpty, can't be fixed.