Read the following from friend and podcast guest Don Williams. Join us when we discuss this and other post-election realities in a podcast to be posted soon.
If the GOP senators do indeed select a McConnell acolyte to be the next majority leader, DJT will have the first irrefutable proofs of this cycle that the problem is the GOP officeholders. Thune/Cornyn will obstruct his legislative agenda at every turn as their fealty is not to him, their constituents, or even the hilariously quaint notion of The US Constitution — their loyalty lies with K Street. He needs to make clear to the GOP senators that they have declared themselves to be his enemies by this act and he will punish them accordingly…
I do not believe that POTUS 47 will have the ability to restrict or restrain the deep state except at the margins, and there will be no elimination of it anywhere, but that does not mean there is nothing he can do to act effectively.
Stick with me now.
For example, while he will not be able to abolish the DOJ/FBI a couple of things are definitely within his purview therein. First, unleash the FBI to begin a high-profile and loudly publicized investigation of Elaine Chow and her family. DJT tried to play nice with McConnell during the 45 term by appointing his wife to the Cabinet and that got him nowhere. The time for niceness is over, the time of justice is at hand. And if the FBI finds evidence of ChiCom influence peddling via Chow's father's family? Oh well, sucks to be her or her husband. This path has multiple advantages to DJT - it absolutely punishes one political enemy while firing a shot across the bow of the rest, plus by going after a prominent GOP asshole it sends a signal to the normies that he is being non-ideological and non-partisan.
And speaking of the DOJ, how about unleashing the Civil Rights Division on his lawfare persecutors? With complete investigatory and discovery authority, is there any doubt that Fat Ass NY AG and Fat Ass GA DA and Dipshit Garland and Vermin Jack Smith and a multitude of others could be complicit in a conspiracy to rob DJT of his civil rights? And how about a Civil Rights Division investigation of state-run election practices in NV, AZ, MI, etc?
Sorry for the vulgar language this beautiful morning, but sometimes elegant language does not suffice.
Dr. Don
Tim Scott is the clear best choice.
Trump just has to veto every spending bill that comes across his desk. I think Trump has enough support in Congress to uphold his vetoes. No money. No bureaucracy. No IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc.