What does the Thanksgiving – Christmas Axis of Holidays have in common with Plato’s Allegory of the Cave?
Weird, I know.
It’s the only comparison that describes my reactions to the stories abounding, how this holiday season “Over 30% of Gen Z participants said they’ll be celebrating with friends to avoid family drama this year.” (Preplay)(Newsweek). There are more polls and pieces about other Gen- Somethings doing most anything to avoid “family”, what B-Boomers would refer to as ‘traditional’.
Is this really happening? Where have I been?
In previous Substack gems, I forthrightly revealed my generally reclusive, isolated, Luddite-like lifestyle over the last couple decades. While I never found the Ultimate Cave, ‘off the grid’ with sufficient comforts to sustain someone not advancing on a New Youth, rural settings were sufficient for the days. Avoiding the professional social world and whirl was an occupational necessity. After 50+ years in ‘show biz’, peace and quiet became the new precedent over the non-stop attention of an adoring (or otherwise) public. Somewhere I discovered Writing can be more important than Talking when jibber-jabbering produces as much content as a peeled balloon.
Anyway…the same data also showed which topics of conversation will be a hit (not) with certain generations around the dinner table. The results were pretty stereotypical. (Preppy)
Here are the top 10 conversation topics that survey participants said they wanted to discuss the least at these holiday rituals:
1. The 2024 election
2. Trump
3. Family drama and gossip
4. Biden
6. Personal relationships
7. Jobs
8. Personal finances
9. War
Conspiracy theories
That leaves ‘Underwater Basket Weaving’, ‘The Real Wives of Seahaven’, ‘Official Rules of Full-Contact Origami’, and ‘Aboriginal Delicacies Featuring Chopped Butterfly Liver’.
From personal observation, I suspect the reason lurking beneath all this mandated avoidance is intelligent discussion of any of the Top 10 requires, well – Intelligence! While first on the “Most Wanted Conversation Ingredient List”, it occupies the identical spot on the “Least Found Ingredient List”. Sadly, the replacement turning up most often is the polar opposite: Ignorance. How did this inversion happen?
Based on simple calculus: Ignorance is more prevalent and preferred among those possessing copious quantities of it because it makes Conclusions easier to reach; they are based mostly on Opinions that do not require Facts based on Intelligence. Those expressing fact-less based Opinions (due to their dearth of Intelligence) will be adversely judged accordingly. That judgement must be avoided at all costs. It is demeaning, triggering, embarrassing, basically No Good. Such judgement curdles the ego, feelings, and Crème Brule, simultaneously roiling the conviviality of family and friends. While enforcing avoidance of a mention of the Top 10, the opportunity to banish Ignorant Opinion and embrace Intelligent Fact is tragically lost for another season.
Pity. “The Informed Family is a Congenial Family”. And isn’t that what the Pilgrims and Indians were all about?
Ironically, articles similar to those linked above reveal that the same Gen-Whatevers are “Most Likely to Move Back with Mom and Dad”! The inability to find (or accept) gainful employment after flashing the eyebrow-arching advanced degree in “The History of Cheese Whiz” or “Sex Life of the Kardashians (Season 1)”, is the likely culprit. Apparently, the parents’ proclivity for dinner conversation about meaningful matters on the Top 10 list can be tolerated when Free Room and Board is the dessert.
Maybe Santa will bring each of them their own box of Reality (sans sugar-coating) this year, making for a happier fact-laden, self-sustaining New Year, preferably in separate quarters.
Here’s hoping all BWW Substackians had a long weekend highlighted by epicurean delights such as those crafted by Chef Cassie (bride). Here’s also hoping we will all be able to shed the results asap - in advance of Round 2 next month…
On that note, coming up a Special Holdiday Conversation with renowned Sonoma Country winemaster, Richard Arrowwood, crafter of award-winning wines from Chateau St. Jean, founder of Arrowwood Winery and currently head grape-stomper at his own estate winery, Amapola Creek Vineyards and Winery in the wine paradise of Sonoma, California. I’ll be pumping Richard for answers to the least asked wine questions as well as his unabashed recommendations for your holiday imbiding! Time permitting, we may get in some talk about guns and politics! Always a great chat with Richard!
These holdidays and the times we’re living make a great opportunity to get a (still free!) subscription to Brianwilsonwrites! You can even plaugue those on your gift-giving or holiday irritation list while getting your own. Ya can’t beat the non-existant cost and shipping is free! Find the appropriate buttons down below and impact them accordingly!
Great essay! Much enjoyed. I suppose folks at Thanksgiving talk about the weather, leading into climate change, and back to the weather and appropriate clothing and accessories.
Chateau St. Jean was a middling to good wine that people served at our catering jobs when Two Buck Chuck was a bit too cheap.
Yep, it's Wine Paradise here in Healdsburg, CA in Sonoma County. Go down to the town's Plaza and see the winos.
Come visit. Bring money.
l believe that an advanced degree on the "History of Cheese Whiz" could possibly lead to better employment opportunities than most "Social Science" degrees ever could offer.