Before my Deep Dive into the damp sponge of Biden’s snoozer, I’d like to thank and welcome the hundreds (really!) of new visitors to Brianwilsonwrites. According to Substack, “A Unique Perspective” was consumed by over 300% more folks than previous scribblings and comments. Hopefully, y’all came back! And a Special Thanks to everyone who Shared it! BW
And now…
Eleven minutes of garbled half-truths, demonstrable lies, and obfuscated mumblings.
IOW – a typical Biden speech.
It was like Ground Hog Day! And we just got 6 more months of Biden!
They must have brought out the Imax teleprompter; he wasn't squinting
Not bad for Take #173 to get through the speech. Seems as if he’s built up a tolerance to adrenochrome over the last few years.
But he didn't slur anything new.
Maybe I missed it, but nowhere in that 11-minute string of mumbled jumbo did I hear him mention how the Lord God Almighty came and told him to step down. Did you? Maybe Jill hasn’t told him yet. Or they haven't found a suitable lie to cover for the poll numbers.
So, if it's polling numbers and not health, they conned donations and votes out of their own supporters and then supplanted their choice with their own sock puppet. It would be hard to call this anything but corruption—although Bait-and-Switch fits nicely.
The key point is that he refused to give a real reason, any reason for dropping out. If he had, he'd also have had to resign as president, so he said nothing.
He could have said: “To save our democracy, I must go along with a closed-door coup that disenfranchises Democratic primary voters across the country.”
“Demockery” - He invented a new word!
All in all, I was a bit surprised. He looked pretty good for a Houseplant that had just been stabbed in the back 92 times. And he still had all his fingers, both thumbs and his ears.
I’m wondering what the odds are of him having been at Mass at the time of the attempted assassination, like in “The Godfather”?
The scary thing is this Democrat party could very well win in November by the miraculous fact that tens of millions will vote for their own destruction.
My neighbor said, “We may be deplorable, but I'll take that over deluded and evil.”
It's natural he would endorse Harris. He's been calling her "President" for four years now!
So, thanks, Joe, for ruining our economy, our military, our schools, our children, our sovereignty, our international standing, getting 16 innocent soldiers murdered, turning your back on our biggest allies, crapping your pants in front of the Pope, introducing Putin as the President of Ukraine, taking bribes from most of our worst enemies, using the DOJ to make up charges to imprison your political opposition, covering up cocaine in the White House and sniffing every young girl that came within groping range. I have a million more; would you like me to go on?
Nah. The horse and his nether parts are dead and will remain so.
As November creeps closer, don’t fail to remember: When Democrats talk about “our democracy,” it is code for preserving their power and the ability to abuse the legal system to silence dissent.
Thanks again for reading this far!
If you had a good time, please swat the buttons below and share with friends. For a really good time, share with your enemies! They’re the ones who most likely need to read it!
"Oh, I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts!
All of them sittin' in a row.
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head!"
This song is Ol' Joe's theme song.
> For a really good time, share with your enemies!
A musician friend and I used to joke, many years ago when I was still doing indie music, "If you like what you hear, tell a friend! If you hate what you hear, tell an enemy!" :-D