OK – the Left hates Trump. Correction: the Left REALLY hates Trump. So do Republican “Never Trumpers”, DC bureaucrats (who run the Swamp) and “Declared Independents”, mostly Liberal Democrats Incognito because they lack the guts to be Democrats in public and risk losing their invitations to rich, conservative friends’ Christmas parties.
But why the HATE? Well, dummy, Trump professes uber-conservative policies. He says the Constitution means something and Government must obey it. He invented the term “Fake News”, pointedly critical of the “Legacy Media” that reports in a way Liberals can get their “news” comfortably. And as President, he promises to actually do something about it.
Got it. But that’s not enough. It still doesn’t explain the deeply intense vitriol that fuels the Left every day in every way. Those grouped together above are mostly ‘layman liberals’, i.e., folks who were raised to believe Government Is Good In All Things. Period.
Still not enough.
Those who wake up and go to sleep, seething over the idea of ‘second Trump presidency’ are the Professional Liberals. Their motivation goes beyond mere liberal government programs, some that have been in place for decades. These are the people who have serious skin in the game. A second Trump presidency will flay them alive.
Consider the results and consequences of a Trump presidency when…
Those who have committed felonious, even treasonous crimes are brought to justice by an Attorney General dedicated to the Constitutional Rule of Law. Visibly compromised AG Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, former Director James Comey, HSS Mayorkas, DefSec Lloyd Austin, Anthony Fauci, Adam Schiff, John Brennan, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Milley, John Kerry, Susan Rice, Presidents Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Biden…Obviously, it’s a target rich environment.
But still not enough for just “Hate”; hate is the tip of the ice burg. The reality of their hate is embedded in Fear. The paralyzing dread of their involvement and what will be revealed when the Rule of Law is applied, not favorably filtered through the MSM, not stunted by two-tier ‘justice’.
Imagine fellow citizens learning the unexpurgated facts of the depth of corruption at all levels of Government, including the Justice Department that’s assigned to prevent and prosecute the very bribes, extortion, perjury, election interference, destruction of property, even murder committed under ‘the color of law’ it has committed or permitted.
Consider the consequences of America and the world learning the appalling facts about the conduct of the CIA: its destructive interference in the affairs of allies and sovereign nations for not voting in accordance with the Empire dictates, clandestine activities from disruption of markets to state sanctioned homicide, all in the service of a corrupt government agency operating with the full knowledge and support of “elected officials” as well as unaccountable bureaucrats and anonymous agents.
It would take more than an additional term for a Trump administration to uncover all the sordid details of the Government’s financial perfidy and profligate spending. The Pentagon alone has failed 6 consecutive audits. It has 4 trillion in liabilities. When questioned, Mike McCord, Defense Department's chief financial officer said, "Things are showing progress, but it's not enough," while Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin opined, "We need to be doing better at this and moving faster.". It’s impossible to separate the asinine from the hubris.
Considering just these few hypotheticals and the number of culpable individuals, LLC’s, NGO’s, major corporations, K Street lobbyists and high-profile law firms criminally involved, nationally and internationally, it’s crystal clear where, how and why major efforts have been in progress for years concentrating on how to eradicate any possibility of another Trump term.
Is there any length too extreme when so much is at stake?
Examining the profusion of evidence is time consuming, but it’s there, free for anyone to see and learn.
Some links:
Is the Electoral Fix Already In? Matt Taibbi
Leaders Anxious About Trump Win
If time permits only one of the above, read Matt Taibbi’s comprehensive account. You’ll be blown away by the Herculean efforts to stop Trump - and it’ not about ‘mean tweets’.
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h/t Robert Gore
While I am no defender or apologist for Trump et al, Presentism is a flaccid offense and defense. Imperfection is universal. Without undeniable proof to the contrary , human imperfection is a valid explanation for ignorant mistakes.
True dat. Sadly, the learning curve necessary for popular understanding is too steep to expect success.