Watching Pentagon flack John Kirby, Deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh, DHS Secretary and Blatant Liar Mayorkis, and all the lesser government mannequins repeat non-stop weasel-worded lies while tap-dancing in front of mute network anchors has been as instructive as it has been frustrating.
By now, frustration should be a thing of the past. The last 20 years have demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt the government’s first reaction is to lie. Its second reaction is to lie bigger. Beyond that, the lies are bundled with ad homonyms, diversions, False Flags, Black Swans and other predictable moves required to deceive the public. Truth is Government Enemy #1; transparency is a punch line. Jack Nicholson’s famous line in “A Few Good Men” has become scripture at all levels of Government.
As of this writing, the real story appears to be forming independent (of course) of any Government revelations.
A post on X by CEO of Saxon Aerospace, John Ferguson detailing the drones and their mission started the onion-peeling, followed by Jersey Futures, a now deleted X account. The fully documented account can be seen here.
ZeroHedge posted this Sunday morning. Monday morning, brought this update.
In a rare display of concern, Chuck Schumer pounded on the podium “New Yorkers have tremendous questions about it. We are going to get the answers for them,”!
Sure. Of course, every politico needing face time tossed in their own unremarkable remarks to get their name in print or the mug on TV with their re-worked expressions of ‘concern’, ‘frustration’, and ‘harrumph, harrumph, harrumph!’.
Schumer went on to suggest the federal government use a recently declassified radio wave technology to investigate the flying objects. The radio wave detector can be attached to a drone or airplane and can determine whether another flying object is a bird or a drone, read its electronic registration, and follow it back to its landing place.
Unfortunately for Schumer et al. as well as the public, technology developed in the Ukraine-Russia dust-up has produced drones with non-hacking software making Schumer’s suggestion a non-starter. (h/t Brad Smith’s military intel history). These ‘kamikaze’ drones are already deployed, avoiding the hacks used to down them before they can cause serious damage. Someone needs to tell Chuck his ignorance is on display. As if he doesn’t really know the whole story…
Brad also informed our military has sizeable drones used to supply the Navy, etc., Really Big Boys that can stay aloft for quite a while, ‘reach out’ and make it back much further and faster than the $500 model you can get from Amazon and peek at your neighbors.
ZH also ran this cute story: What may seem like a mere coincidence is worth noting: reports of drone sightings began in mid-November, and on December 2, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission disclosed that a medical device containing radioactive material was "lost in transit" in New Jersey. Reactions revealed the incredulity of the tale since the “device” that went missing didn’t have enough radioactive punch to be detectable by the Flying Sniffers. Each one has less power and exposure than getting an MRI.
Oops! Whoever leaked that tidbit to calm the NJ natives was probably the same incompetent advising Schumer.
The famous line from “Cool Hand Luke” comes to mind: “What we have here is a failure to communicate”.
Not so much a ‘failure’ but a product of the same rampant government hubris that just defeated Harris and elected Trump: “Those ignorant, gullible rubes outside the Hallowed DC Swamp will believe anything, no matter how improbable, impossible, or illogical it may be.” And why not? Remember the fear, panic, and submission Government, its myrmidons and agencies created with COVID, the Magic Vacs and Boosters! Remember how fellow citizens quickly obeyed the most egregious violations of rights. liberty and honesty seen in a lifetime? Maybe you were one of the insightful ones who didn’t ‘mask up’, lockdown and eschew Thanksgiving and Christmas with loved ones lest you become a Super Spreader! As it’s turned out, how great to be in the minority!
Some time back, I wrote here that the next big government ‘scandal’ would have to be much bigger than phony flues, stolen elections, laptops, or Lawfare. It would have to be of such a “shock and awe” to clamp down again, even harder on a potentially skeptic population after the lies and scandals learned since COVID.
Could there be a ‘dirty bomb’ or similar stashed in some New Jersey warehouse? Maybe. Considering the incompetence of government and the evil psychopaths running it, it wouldn’t be difficult to entertain the possibilities despite cognizant dissonance. Maybe it is just a drill, a dress rehearsal to see just how ramped up people will get. Maybe it’s just an excuse to grab more power and control. Congress has already passed H.R.8610., the Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act of 2024, just waiting for Biden to sign off.
“Federal agencies are arguing they need more authority so they can better deal with drones amid the surge in unexplained drone sightings that have caused confusion throughout the eastern US in recent weeks.”
Of course, “more authority” is very, very expensive.
“Americans are finding it hard to believe we can’t figure out where these are coming from.’’
“‘We don’t know’ is not a good enough answer.”
If Govt. ‘doesn’t know’…if “the Enemy is ahead of us with more advanced weaponry’…if ‘the American people demand Govt keep them safe… These are the magic words needed to fund More Research which takes More Money, keeps Endless Wars endless, and the people on their knees in constant fear.
What better way to forfeit Rights, Freedom, and an entire Country?
We can be certain the Government knows exactly what they are, what they’re doing, and why.
One doesn’t have to be a skeptical skeptic or a committed cynic to remember: “You can never be certain of anything until it has been denied by the government.”
Thanks for reading this far! With luck, Tom Gresham, founder and host of Gun Talk will join the podcast later this week.
I see that CNN and MSNBC have lost half their viewers since the election and they still don't seem capable of telling a story straight. If you haven't seen the latest on their Syrian prisoner coverage, it's a hoot, as Mr Bovard would say. Turns out their prison story was not only fake, he turned out to be an Assad crony who tortured people. He'd just been locked up by a fellow corrupt official who wasn't getting his cut.
I'm always skeptical that the American people will wake up, but the more damage they do to their own names, the more I think their days could be numbered.
Why pay for fake news when you can go online and have someone fact check their BS stories for free? Even if you are paying to be told what you want to hear, it can hardly be worth it when you will be told in short order that you have egg on your face, that's if you dare repeat any of it as true.
People want something to yack about around the water cooler, they don't necessarily want to sound like retards for repeating bat shit crazy nonsense.
I'm in Jersey and haven't seen any drones. I feel left out. Since I'm sure my Assigned Fedboi is spying on me on the interwbbies right now ... hey, Assigned Fedboi, when do I get to see the drones?