In a deft bit of negotiating genius, Donald Trump snookered Joe Biden, his handlers, and the entire DNC Inc. to the recent Great Debate. After inviting the Dems to set the time, date, place, and rules, he’d be there for sure! Stricken with the myopia of their hubris, the Dems went all in. The event would be carried by the notorious ‘Fake News’ Anti-Trump Network’, CNN. The ‘moderators’ would be two of the most virulent anti-Trumpers. It was all choreographed to dose-e-doe with Trump’s Manhattan trial that had been leading the news for 6 weeks, keeping Trump off the campaign trail and silenced by an integrity-challenged judge. Once the “deal” was on the table, Trump closed it with a prompt “OK” and no exceptions. It was the Gulp Heard Round the World! The WH and DNC HQ. Democrat Dimbulbs never expected Trump to agree to such a loaded deck – but he did. Suddenly, they realized they’d been had. Their boy ‘Brandon,’ who has to be lead off stage after repeating multi-Pinocchio’d stories, claiming claims of non-existent derring-do, wanton plagiarizing, shaking hands with dead people, mixing up entire countries and Heads of State, and a few other faux pas would now have to go head-to-head with his nemesis. All the World Series, Super Bowls, Stanley Cups and Muhammed Ali fights couldn’t hold a klieg light to even the anticipation of the coming 90- minute bash-a-thon.
Now it’s over.
Even the most jaded pundits of the political passing parade were dumbfounded at how dumb Biden was found. Just minutes into the fray, Biden was stuttering, stammering, brain-frozen, incoherent, dazed, and hoarse. In 10 minutes, the President of the United States lived down to every Democrat's worst fears and up to those who knew for a fact all the stories of Biden’s Amazing Mental Acuity (in private, of course) that would set Trump’s orange hair on fire was just another load of USDA Prime fertilizer the Dems and their surrogates had been spreading from every media platform for months, even years.
But I’ll leave it to other Substackers who are scribbling their own articulate, insightful analyses. What I haven’t heard or read is the principled rejoicing for the revelation of the actual Big Lie, the enormity and sheer number of Big LIES.
The lies told to the American Public about Joe Biden are just the tip of the tip of the ginormous disinformation iceberg. As Biden’s unquestionable incompetence was displayed more frequently in more compromised and embarrassing situations, from objectionable conduct at televised international meetings to odiferous personal hygiene events in semi-private Government agencies, Democrat ‘leaders’, Democrat ‘elected officials’, Democrat spokespersons, aided and camouflaged it all along with a complicit profane media worthy of the title ‘Fake News.’
As the Nixon-era proverb states, “It’s not the lie; it’s the cover-up”. But that’s redundant; a cover-up is a series of additional lies used to deny the original. Over the last decade, Democrats have told lie upon lie and more lies to cover up the original to the point where they can speak the lie as if it were fact. When the MSM ‘reports’ the story, the Propaganda Seal of Approval is attached. The low-information voter is convinced. Mission accomplished.
Simply stated, America has been repeatedly lied to by its own Government. History-changing events have taken place in plain sight, founded on lies, all covered up by an allied press. Government policy decisions continue to be made and founded on lies. Wars, taxes, and regulations violating the restrictive language of the Constitution have been initiated and justified for years at inestimable cost and damage to Americans. The planned ‘epidemic’ called COVID may be the prime example of government lying that robbed the lives, livelihoods, and futures of millions. And still is.
While realized at some gut level by many Americans, lost in the fog of daily life, current events, and the ‘news cycle’ are these practiced liars who did and continue to lie. , Like repeat criminals, the lack of any accountability guarantees that they will continue to lie, deceive, and destroy the underpinnings of American society and Americans of all stripes.
In addition to the Presidents, Congressmen, Senators, and members of all the cabinets and agencies (FBI, CIA, NSA, CDC, HHS, FEMA, NIH, USDA, BATF, IRS), we need to remember these organizations and their people who lied to us every day: AP, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, LAT, AJC, and the self-promoting ‘experts’ and ‘spokesmen’ who claimed Special Talent, Insight and Authority that must be honored and obeyed.
Remember some of the lies that they told you…
Keeping your doctor, Russian collusion, the laptop letter signed by 51 intelligent personnel, the virus, the mandates, the masks, the lab leak, the VAX, Critical Race Theory, DEI, transitory inflation, stagflation, Bidenomics, Hunter’s laptop, the border crisis, gender mutilation, ‘white supremacists’, 2020 the most legitimate and secure election, the J6 Committee, ‘classified papers’ and Biden’s fitness for office.
The list is longer than time and space permits. I’m certain you can add several egregious favorites.
So what to do now?
Your call, of course. Personally, I’m inclined to keep a sharper eye and ear on these bastards. With the election coming, there’s no telling what stunts and scandals they’ll try next. Black Swans, False Flags, Bird Flu – nothing is beyond them; they’ve used them all before.
When you’re ruled by psychopaths, situational awareness is mandatory.
"The Propaganda Seal of Approval", aye, and there's the rub. The State and its media lap dogs, specialize in propaganda. Propaganda keeps the rubes in line and believing in the State. How could such a propaganda fiasco as the the Biden/Trump debate happen live on national TV? Is the State losing its propaganda touch?
We all know what happened to the Soviet Union when Russians quit believing the Pravda Propaganda. The State fell apart like a snowman in the Amazon.
Dead on Brian! We already knew(us Patriots) all this stuff because we are engaged,and well “mostly” have a pulse,but sad to say the “Sheep” will still vote for the “Abby Normal” brain guy anyway,,,yep they’re still just that stupid! God help us…but from here it is and always will be GOD BLESS AMERICA and,MAGA 2024