First, thanks to those who Bought Me Coffee (and assorted beverages). It’s been “Unseasonably Cold” recently here in the Tropical environs of Dixie. And a Warm Welcome to all the News Kids on the Sub(scription) who have enlisted in our little gang of incorrigible rabble-rousers - especially those who voluntarily made theirs a Paid Subscription. All donations are always appreciated in these times of unanticipated irregularities and (allegedly) Pending Doom!
BW, prop.
And now…
Like Christmas, New Year’s and Birthdays, the Count Down continues with eager anticipation- at least among the MAGA Devoted- only X (pun intended) more days, The Greatest Political Comeback will be sworn in and On Day One, everything wrong will be made right (pun intended) again. Or so goes the popular devotional.
But what if…?
What if, behind all the promises to right the wrongs of the last 4 or 20 years, there’s just “the new boss, same as the old boss”?
“No way, ya Hoser!”, you say - “DJT is Da Man who will lower grocery prices, gas prices, and inflation, deport the illegals, jail the gangs, drug cartels and all the other bad hombres, tariff our way to the best economy ever, eliminate strangling regulations and the Dept of Ed, draino the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA and shutter the IRS, pardon the J6’ers, snuff the Woke, DEI and LGBSQUID ‘requirements’, rebuild the military, end the Ukraine debacle, sooth the middle east, ‘get right’' with Vlad and Xi, audit the fed and finally release all the JFK, Epstein and Diddy files.” (You may be off on the Fed audit, just sayin’)
Then comes Day 2 and we’re back to Square One.
Ryan McMaken, executive editor at the Mises Institute, opines “The debate over immigration is working out perfectly for the deep state. Donald Trump is calling on the CIA and the FBI to “get involved” in domestic policing. At the same time, MAGA conservatives are begging the US government to impose a vast new surveillance state on Americans in the name of stopping illegal aliens.” After Russiagate and the (alleged) ‘Biden’ years, McMaken says there will come “more police statism, spying, military intervention, and government spending” while Trump promptly “helps the US regime seamlessly pivot from Russiagate hysteria to hysteria over Islamists and immigrants.” This will result in more growth of the Police – Surveillance State and continued erosion of the Bill of Rights. The MAGA Faithfull will cheer all this despite their recent antipathy for Federal ‘Lawfare’ and other abuses of power from the Federales.
“But wait!”, you say! “Isn’t it illegal for the CIA to operate inside the USA?” Well, yeah – it’s potentially unlawful, contrary to its charter, and a possible threat to Americans’ civil rights. But there are some technical exceptions. Aren’t there always…?
Trump’s first-term political naivete aside, he overpromised and underperformed on many of his emotive campaign promises. Then came the evil hurricane force headwinds of the Deep State, Congressionally opposing, administratively slow-walking, and outright treasonously undermining his power, persona, and Presidency. Fairly judged, his term was one step forward, two steps back. Sure, there were no new wars, cheap gas and groceries, low unemployment, tax cuts, minimal inflation – ya know, the way it’s supposed to be. Then came all the bells and whistles and outrage of the COVID plandemic that led to an unquestionably stolen election. (“Unquestionable” to everyone except those who remain willfully ignorant or actually in on the steal)
And here we are - months after Trump’s landslide victory and days away from his Inauguration.
What Mr. McMaken may be overlooking is the ‘will of the people’, the mandate, is not just for a return to economic normalcy. We have been subjected to 50 years of accelerated political corruption, an additional 20 years of increased corrosion of Natural Rights, the expansion of unconstitutional government power and intrusive State regulation, four years of intense disinformation, outright lies, media mendacity, and the first-ever government ‘Lawfare’ publicly waged against Democrat and Deep State opponents. Taken all together, the years combine to emphasize the dysfunctional incompetence and intentional criminality of the Government and those who run it for their sole benefit at the expense of the citizens.
As much as a return to a ‘normal life’, the People want demand Justice. From Womb to Tomb, “Fairness” has been a big thing in America. Not so much for the Elites. Their ‘normal’ is not our normal; their ‘justice’ is not our justice. The ‘Ordinary Americans’ are stuck with the costs, suffer the abnormalities, and handed the ‘dirty end of the stick’ of Elite normalcy and fairness.
We’ve had it.
There must be Justice for those who died horrible, unnecessary deaths at the direction of government psychopaths who manufactured COVID and the “vaccination” hoax; for the young men and women who lost their body parts and lives, not fighting for Freedom and protecting America as propagandized, but in unnecessary wars for ‘regime change’, territorial acquisition and various pipelines for the unique benefit of politicians’ power and the Elites’ Empire; for the murdered, raped, tortured and enslaved women and children, 350,000 and more of whom have yet to be accounted for, lost through the cruel incompetence and apathy of Government operatives; for the billions of dollars and millions of lives lost to promised, paid for yet undelivered services created and funded to benefit victims of natural disasters and government failures. As this is written, 5 months after Hurricane Helene, there remain hundreds of unaccounted victims, homeless survivors evicted by government ‘red tape’, freezing in tents in W. North Carolina, hampered and hassled by FEMA, the Federal agency funded to help and serve. And then they lie to cover their political motives, withholding aid to victims with Trump signs in their yards.
Most of all, Americans require Justice for those who didn’t – and don’t – ‘play by the rules’. Not just the illegal immigrant gang members rampaging through cities and suburbs while enjoying taxpayers’ largesse, but the condescending corrupt politicians who know exactly what they’ve done and continue to do. Worse than their perjury, larceny, grifting, extortion, drug, and sexual abuse, is their hypocritical debasement of the same laws used to incarcerate and ruin innocent lives of those with a morality that didn’t abide by iniquitous political goals or ‘inconvenienced’ their sordid plans. Their transgressions are so notorious, that anyone reading this knows exactly who they are.
Ryan McMaken is correct in pointing to the possibilities of a ‘same but different’ Trump administration that may grow the government, the surveillance state, and the police required to enforce a refocused set of reorganized prejudices. That, too, would not serve Freedom, Liberty, and the Rule of Law. Recognizing that, however, does not alleviate the need for Justice. Heinous crimes have been committed by individuals still walking free, some even admired and employed despite their blatant criminality. Meanwhile, others guilty of nothing more than trespassing are right now suffering sentences of years in solitary confinement, victims of a corrupt, politicized “Justice” Department. Failure to pursue these arrests and convictions would be more destructive to the same Freedom, Liberty and scales of Justice that concern Mr. McMaken and the rest of us.
Thanks for reading this far. It’s Free! So share with your friends and friendly enemies!
If you had a Good Time…
Brilliant. This is why I had to get a paid subscription. I don't expect the Trump regime to be anything special. The rhetoric is there, actions will follow the rhetoric only to a limited degree.
We are doomed. It is worse than you know. Check out precision medicine.