Aggressive Ignorance is the politicians' favorite IED – and has been for decades. Assembling mistruths, half-truths, and outright lies and launching them into voters’ frontal cortex turbo-charges the Government’s Public Education, intentionally dumbing down America. This subterfuge is becomes fully operational with the 24/7 assistance of a fully compliant MSM. Along with their Hollywood accomplices, the seeds of the Cultural Revolution have been spread better than a battalion of Johnny Appleseeds could have imagined.
Perpetually displayed on a 60” flat screen near you, a Presidential Election year is the prime time to witness how both political parties and the Media-Government Complex pull the levers and push the buttons to manipulate of the masses.
As I’m typing, the Harris-Walz campaign is firing up its long-awaited announcement of its Economic Policy. An “announcement” of anything more substantial than the patently irritable Harris Cackle Word Salad has been long in coming. Now, with little more than a surface reading, the anticipated “substance” is melting faster than the old Snowball-Hell analogy.
However, it’s a safe bet the Aggressively Ignorant will believe The Plan is waaay better than the equally ancient: “Sliced Bread” line. The Campaign Strategists put Low Information and Poor Education on economic matters high on the list for Weasel Wording during the willow-the-wisp presentations. Coming in a close second is the guarantee the Aggressively Ignorant have zero interest in “policy matters” beyond “How much are ya gonna give me, and how do I get it?”
Example #1: On the campaign trail, Kamala announces with a toothy grin that she will raise the Minimum Wage and call off the newly minted IRS Storm Troopers recently enlisted to go after those same tips she will no longer tax either a la DJT. This will create a tsunami of “better-paying jobs” in the Mickey D sector and be a giant step forward in restoring the Middle Class. Why not now? As something so beneficial, why wasn’t it done 3 1/2 years ago?
Anyway…greedy Corporations will no longer exploit the downtrodden Middle Class , by gum!
The Aggressively Ignorant crowd will think this is just groovy! More Money + Socking Big Business right in the wallet is the best-est of the best. Being Aggressively Ignorant (“I don’t know, I don’t want to know, and I wouldn’t know if I did know”), they cannot understand why, in response to their “raise,” they’ll be fired the next day, replaced by a cute, efficient kiosk that always comes to work on time, doesn’t complain or take imaginary Sick Days. A look at California’s Fast-Food Employment scene would be revealing.
Harris refuses to acknowledge the proven reality that the old “Raise the Minimum Wage” battle cry results in a rise in unemployment, creating a growing financial burden via Unemployment and Welfare. And don’t fail to remember: the new minimum wage will be cleverly found secretly nestled somewhere “between two all-beef patties, special sauce, and a sesame seed bun” that no one can afford.
But no worries! These counter-productive costs will be absorbed by the “hard-working men and women of America” who hopefully keep their jobs, not fully understanding how they’re being fleeced by the Public Servants for whom they so enthusiastically voted.
My late close friend Walter E. Williams wrote and spoke eloquently about the cruelty of the Minimum Wage. One only has to read one of Walter’s articles to learn just how bad it is. Of course, the Aggressively Ignorant see such an effort as an insurmountable learning curve—and time away from X-Box tourneys and Taylor Swift videos.
Example #2: The first-ever federal ban on "corporate price-gouging in the food and grocery industries"—a move that reeks of socialism. (ZH).
Bidenomics becomes Kamalonomics
“The Harris campaign said the vice president will unveil the new federal proposed ban on Friday at a campaign rally in the battleground state of North Carolina as part of a broader economic policy platform. The proposal will ensure food companies can't exploit consumers to increase profits, according to CBS News, citing Harris-Walz campaign officials.”
But it’s OK for the Government to exploit consumers?
This “Greedy–Corp-Price-Gouging” argument is the quickest way to tell that someone has absolutely no functional understanding of economics. It’s just to get votes from the ignorant.
Moderates” don't propose price controls. Kamala Harris was, is, and always will be a communist. These are the types of policies that lead to breadlines. Don't believe me? Ask the people in Venezuela.
Check out Price controls lead to Socialism by none other than Ludwig con Mises.
While irrefutable evidence proves this first Harris-Biden “Economic Policy” is USDA Choice Bull Feces, it’s safe to predict it will work like “a magic wand” in swaying the Aggressively Ignorant voter. They will see in it the blessing of More Money, More Jobs Paying More Money, and Compassionate Kamala taking Big Greedy-Bully Business out behind Joe Biden’s barn.
Considering the universal long-term financial disaster this one “policy” would inflict on America, every thinking, knowing individual has a personal obligation to turn the Aggressively Ignorant into the Suddenly Aware!
Tough job, but some bodies gotta do it.
Or else.
Share a copy of this with anyone who believes Harris-Walz is their salvation.
Who knows? We may get lucky…
Thanks for reading this far.
ICYMI: BWW will be undergoing some changes by November 1st. Details on some are still a Work In Progress. However, one certainty: the never-popular “Two and Only” and the occasional “Now For Something Completely Different” podcast series will be available exclusively on Substack. If you have been listening on iHeart, Apple, Spotify, Buzzsprout, or similar platforms, the link to Substack will be the only change. There’s nothing you must do now other than keep reading, listening and telling everyone you’ve ever met about BWW.
I’ll be including “reminders” in subsequent posts as a friendly nag.
Very good article.
Price controls and minimum wage hikes, what could possibly go wrong?
I’ve got all my twenty something voting kids properly schooled on the left and the uniparty gameplay. It is a parents responsibility in these times to demand full attention and complete understanding by these otherwise ignorant to everything “adults”! While my children are generally respectful and obedient, I was ready to cut them out of my will except for a $1 bill if they didn’t get how important this election is! I don’t understand throwing your hands up in the air on this subject. I don’t allow people in my yard if they are voting for Harris/Walz ticket. YES ITS THAT IMPORTANT! It’s posted on my driveway!