Much will be said, written, parsed, analyzed and repeated about President “The Big Guy” Biden’s blanket pardon of son, Hunter.
At its ugly face value, it is what it is: a bold dispassionate display of political narcissism.
As of this writing, less than 24 hours after the acrid fact, it is redundant to recite the litany of felonies, extortions, prevarications and the Biden Family’s brand of political turpitude of immeasurable proportion and stench.
So I won’t post it here. It’s available everywhere.
As irrevocably biased MSM pundits have become fond of saying, “You know it and I know it.”
Really? Who among the talking heads sees and accepts the impact of the bigger picture as Biden’s pardon immediately morphed into an indictment of Politics and Media. Partisan critics will be quick to repudiate that, At all levels, media and politicians use one another like the teenagers in heat in Bob Segar’s “Night Moves”
“I used her, she used me but neither
One cared. We were getting our share.”
At taxpayer’s expense.
But it’s more than money. After all, they always print more.
It’s the fatal blow to anything resembling Justice, the touted Rule of Law and every specific in the First Amendment.
Post election, the same guilty pundits and their employers tentatively asked “Can the Legacy Media ever recover?” Not only “How”, but Why should they? Even a cursory Google search returns the hundreds of lies, condemnations with reassurances from Network and Print media alike that Hunter Biden, his laptop and father were “pure as the driven snow”; anything to the contrary was a right-wing attack laced with conspiracy theories. Even Spokes Poodle and White House Chia Pet, the laughable Press Secretary has been thoroughly stripped of whatever integrity she insists is intact.
The news media, when we had a semi honest one, ran Joe Biden out of the 1988 presidential primary for his nonstop outrageous lies. 36 years later he’s still lying. Joe Biden is a pathological liar, period
Of course, “no one is above the law”.
Once revealed, Delusion is a bitter pill.
At least since 2016, Government, Politics, Politicians in increasing copulation with the ‘Legacy Media’ have blithely performed overtime in their condescending bubbles and echo chambers, blissfully unaware - and uncaring - they were revealing to the American voter they have no respect for them, the “grand American experiment in self-governance”, their Oath or their constituency. “Public Servant” mocks the definition while the Media condescendingly tells you “don’t to believe your lying eyes”; demonstrating absurdity by being absurd.
The question lingers, but louder: will the long-apathetic, aggressively ignorant, “average” citizen finally wake up, become informed and see the crimes and criminals they’ve paying for?
And then, actually do something about it?
Maybe if they heard Scott Jennings get a few good words in this morning.
Nod louder if you could; my hearing’s not so hot anymore…
Thanks for reading this far.
the fact that biden pardoned the hunter individual going back to 2014 is ignored by the talking head liars who lied for biden. Why would biden do that? To run cover for his own crimes is the obvious answer.
Great read thanks! The Scott Jennings clip is fierce! And wonderful.