First, a sincere thanks to all you New Kids who have joined our merry band of rabble-rousers and trouble-makers here at BWW. With over 300 Substack articles (podcasts and links to talented scribblers), take a romp thru the Archives. As noted, I don’t type fast enough to keep up with every headline, but those headlines invariably have roots in a bigger picture with serious implications for our future.
Some big-time changes here are just around the corner. If the IT Dept., works its customary miracles, I’ll have large news by Nov. 1.
Now this…
Elizabeth Nickson’s “Welcome to Absurdistan” continues to amaze and inform. Her latest takes a long-marginalized ”conspiracy theory” you know well and follows it to a factual conclusion. If revealed and implemented, the results would be more than just "life-changing. Unfortunately, that’s the biggest drawback. One of the tragedies of our time comes from a small number of fortified places with individuals who, for their benefit, don’t want the world seriously improved. If they don’t get the fame and fortune that comes with it, then nobody does. Maybe there’s something to be done about that…
This would be a good time to read it - and share it with friends and loved ones with the talent for Reading With Comprehension.
I read Elizabeth Nickson's article. End the Fed and the Income Tax and all this Deep State crap goes away. They can't manufacture money/currency. If their paychecks end, they end.
This UFO stuff is probably true, but it's a distraction. Don't trim the branches of the tree. Dig up the roots and kill them.
End the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax.
The alien spacecrafts did crash in Roswell, NM back in the 1940s. There were little aliens inside. The event was covered up by the military with a weather balloon story. The Top Top Secret Area 51 Base north of Las Vegas is doing back-engineering on alien technology. I sat next to an Air Force mechanic on the airliner flying from Las Vegas to San Francisco. He told me all about the time he flew into Area 51 on one of the 5 old 737s that fly from LV to Area 51 several times a day carrying scientists and technicians. You can see the planes and parking lot for employees across the Strip from Mandalay Bay.
The AF mechanic was flying to Area 51 to fix an F-18 that had made an emergency landing there. When the 737 was 20 minutes out from Area 51, all the window shades came down automatically. On landing the mechanic was given a hood to wear. He could only see his feet. Two large armed men walked him to the bus that took him to the hangar where the F-18 was located.
The replacement part and tools were there by the plane. Guards were inside and outside of the hangar and the mechanic was told to stay by the plane or else.
After fixing the plane, he wore the hood again back to the plane. Again the window shades stayed down until they were almost to Las Vegas.
Area 51 has large explosions from time to time. (Oops.) One explosion produced a mushroom cloud that could be seen from Las Vegas and was picked up by seismographs.
When anyone tries to sneak into Area 51, they are met by armed guards who will shoot on sight if you don't follow their orders to leave.