“Republicans Threaten To Bring Congress to a Virtual Standstill To Protest Trump Conviction
Ten Republicans so far have said any political or judicial nominations and any proposals for increased government funding should die in the Senate.”
The rest of the story is behind the New York Sun paywall.
However, Zero Hedge kindly posted a free read on what this caterwauling is all about.
“Spurred by the volcanic temper of their base, Republicans are now preparing to scorch the earth in the wake of former President Donald Trump’s conviction, potentially setting off a chain reaction that could fundamentally alter the American political system entirely.
No one knows exactly how far they will go in their response.”
I do.
Republicans’ flaccid response to every indignity, slight, ad hominem, or unconstitutional action is legendary. “Stern letter to follow” has morphed from cliché to punch line. The refusal of Republicans to jump into the mud pit of politics is the primary explanation for their permanent Loser status. While they will always have the point-and-laugh criticism from Democrats and the Media, as a Party, they are more than adept at embarrassing themselves. Even when one GOP’er stands staunchly and vocally on principle, leave to the rest of the Republican Boys Club to pile on the ridicule for failure to maintain Proper Prep School Decorum. Best example: Marjorie Taylor Green. While she has her shortcomings – as do all in the Elected Class – the rest of the R-branded boys and girls would do well to get a transfusion of her blood and guts approach to people (Biden, Fauci, Johnson, AOC, Crockett) and programs (House Speaker, COVID, 2nd Amendment) that cross the Constitutional line. Even if dead wrong – as most Democrats are in such matters – so what? It’s Politics. And Politics is a full-contact sport. Just ask a Democrat.
“The good guys must be as tough as the villains, or freedom is doomed,” senior Trump advisor Stephen Miller told RealClearPolitics” While Miller is not of the In-Crowd (Congress), he consistently articulates the same take-no-prisoners attitude decidedly missing from the R’s.
It’s been said Republicans treat political matters like Victorians treated sex: forbidden to be mentioned in polite company, only a necessity for propagating the human race. Democrats, meanwhile, conduct every aspect of politics as bloodsport and will go to any lengths of immorality and illegality to win. They disembowel their opponents and go out for a beer to celebrate.
It’s amusing for Republicans to vocally champion the distinction of a republic over a democracy and yet publicly demonstrate their dependable unwillingness to abide by its primary function: to represent those who elected them. Only when a sufficient number of their constituents speak in one full-throated voice do they respond in a manner that creates the bold headlines above while simultaneously failing to act decisively.
Sadly – for Republicans – they elect feckless ‘leaders’ who absolutely deserve reactions such as this:
“I don’t want to hear elected Republicans complaining. I don’t need to see their tweets and statements condemning the verdict. The only thing I want to hear from these people is which Democrats they will have arrested. Don’t tell us that you’re sad about the verdict. We don’t give a shit about your feelings. We want to see corrupt Democrats frog-marched on camera in handcuffs. If you won’t do that, then shut up,” Matt Walsh, a Daily Wire columnist with a following in the millions, wrote on the social media website X.
Predictably, Sen. Mike Lee made the following laughable response:
If Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his team experience a change of heart during the appeals process. “They could confess error on appeal,” Lee said. “Other instances of lawfare, wherever they exist, could be dropped. You could put this genie back in the bottle still, but not for very much longer.”
Only the thickest rose-colored glasses perched on the most naïve skull in the country could create such a vision.
And so it goes. The Good Ship America continues toward the rocks of its destruction. The Captain and Officers are clearly deranged; the crew just simpering, spineless hand-wringers more concerned about preserving their invitation to the next K Street bash than standing firm for the principles promised in their campaign speeches. And forgotten.
But such is Government. It's a collection of corrupt cowards and psychopaths, terminally narcissistic, hoping to hang in and hang on long enough to cash in that bodacious pension.
Convince me I’m wrong.
Thanks for reading this far.
Here are some cool ways you can support the BWW effort and solve all your gift-giving problems forever!
Oh I wish I didn't click on that link at the bottom. 'Can Senators Be Paid for Life After They Retire?'
All that money....
We need an army of actual Republicans, not lapdogs of the regime. They make me sick.