Slightly more than 48 hours until Times Square drops the Wateford ball again, timed to hit bottom after counting down the last 10 seconds of this transformational 2024.
Good word “Transformational. One source says it’s “… a leadership style that can inspire positive changes in those who follow. Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate. Not only are these leaders concerned and involved in the process, but they are also focused on helping every member of the group succeed.”
Trump’s election was forecast to be “transformational, So far, so sorta-good. The MSM has pounced with all three feet on the latest Trump-Musk-Vivek-MAGA dust-up over GB-1 visas. Like Democrats, its primary client, Rule By Division remains its DOS. Other Special Interest groups and shadow-funded NGO’s are also circling like so many Turkey vultures looking to make a meal out of Trump-MAGA-Conservative-RHINO road kill. And the issues aren’t even dead yet.
VIvek’s unvarnished opinion on X on the status of American ‘excellence’ and the void needing to be filled was written with a scalpel. Lots of spoiled brats are butt hurt from the clarity of his observations. The Truth comes with that warning label. The gullibility due to ignorance, the inability of voters to separate provable fact from Media fiction, to curate what they hear and read with objective reasoning and critical analysis will be the Big Reveal in ’25. The Karens and Snowflakes will be getting their widdle feewings hurt large from the Plain Talk of non-politicians distinguished from years of DC New Speak (bullshit) spoken fluently and consistently by politicians and media alike. One would have thought the eye-popping events that lead up to Trump’s election would have taught the MSNBC smooth brains and DC career leeches lie-laced hubris, redundant hair-on-fire screeds, PeeWee Herman projections and $3 dollar bill sincerity – their dishonest persuasion - doesn’t win hearts, minds or elections. They didn’t, haven’t and won’t.
The same politicos and media pundits responsible for the butt-whipping are now bleating they need to “re-message” the Democrat Party in order to ‘win back’ the ‘working class voters’ who flocked to Trump’s populist-speak. Hey! That could be a DNC writing contest!
“Win Millions! How To Convince Working Class Americans To Come Back to the Democrat Party of Abortion On Demand Up To Birth, Purple-Haired Men In Frederick’s of Hollywood Left-Overs Performing for Kindergarteners, DEI Failures, CRT Abominations, Tax-Payer Funded Illegal Alien Support Benefits, and Other American Principles!” Winner will receive $1 Million and a copy pf Nancy Pelosi’s Insider Trading Secrets. Deadline Jan. 21, 2025!
Good luck with that.
To counter the Bad News stories linked above, there have been positive developments in other areas that were creating sticky situations building to provide the quicksand to the Trump agenda.
Court Blocks Biden Selling Off Border War Parts – “ If the order is violated, the court has the authority to enforce it.” A rare but a timely court win for the taxpayers who bought it all as well as the economics of construction going ahead.
Origins of COVID to be Revealed – The facts are bad enough. The potential for a ‘pre-emtive Fauci pardon’ would make matters worse. File under “Justice Delayed/Justice Denied”.’
Another College Race Hoax Solved - Rhodes College's quest for accountability has its limits: the school is keeping the culprit's name and relationship with the institution a secret. The college did say the hoaxer reported the incident with hopes of blaming someone else for doing it.
Saving the Best for Last, my personal favorite: “Massie and MTG Urge Release of Multi-Mllion Dollar Congressional Sex Slush Fund List” . This calls out loud and clear the hypocrisy of Democrats' feigned outrage over Donald Trump using his own money to buy Stormy Daniels' silence about their alleged sexual encounter and the leaked unproven allegations about Matt Gaetz while saying nothing about the congressional offices' use of taxpayer money to brush sexual and other misconduct allegations under the rug. There’s never been a better example of “Revenge is best served cold.” I’m looking forward to how strenuously Congressional Swamp Scum will fight this and what LSD-esque delusional excuses will be attempted to keep it in the closet. Releasing those Epstein and Diddy lists wouldn’t hurt either - at least not the innocent. “Sunshine is the best disinfectant” right? And DC sure is infected!
There’s one other pot bubbling on a back burner right now that has serious implications for Free Speech. I’ll try to get that out before the Big Ball Drop!
There’s no point in getting my underwear in a knot over politics right now. Biden will do more Biden things while Trump waits in the wings. We will all know where the country is headed when Trump is sworn in and we see what he does in the first week.
I wish for New Years Eve an hour discussion with you and James Bovard on the past and future of the nation we live in called the United States. I think this country needs a good honest kick in the ass to wake us all up to the truth of our survival as a Republic (not a fucking democracy!!!!!) and a species. Please grant me my wish!!!!! I love you guys!!!!! Happy New Year I hope!