Trust and Virginity
The headline reads:
Trust In News Collapses to Historic Lows
The annual Axios poll is nearly a year old (July 2022). Considering the last 8 months, imagine what the new numbers will be. Like the song goes, “How low can you go?”
This begs a more important question: What do Trust and Virginity have in common?
Answer: When lost, they are gone forever.
Verbal Retentives will argue that Trust can be restored. But anyone capable of mature reasoning combined with life experience knows virginity doesn’t grow back. Ever. “Another chance” is linguistic duct tape; rationalization is psychological SuperGlue.
Still, we are reminded ‘all men are imperfect and fall short of the glory of God.’ (Romans 3:23). So we ‘turn the other cheek’; an anthropomorphic Mulligan. Pithy, but irrelevant in this context.
“These are the times that try men’s souls”, Thomas Paine famously wrote in his second Best Seller, “The American Crisis”. While not incorporated into scripture, the sentiment rallied Washington’s troops and a sufficient number of liberty lovers throughout the colonies revolting against King George & Co.
Four score and seven years later, Able Lincoln intoned in the Gettysburg Address, “Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation…can long endure.”
Judging by current events local to global, that reasonable person mentioned above could not help but conclude the human race is facing identical circumstances: wars, pestilence, racial issues, political corruption conjoined with corporate skullduggery, materialism, sanctimonious narcissism (‘virtue signaling’), contagious apathy and polarized intolerance are active in every civilization on every continent. Cynicism not required.
Could our reasonable person objectively examining the state of the world not conclude man’s existence teeters on the brink between ‘peril’ and ‘perish’? Rose-colored glasses don’t impair the vision of cockeyed optimists, they enhance it. While perception may be reality, it is rarely actuality. How to get back to that Promised Land to restore that ‘shining city on the hill’, when the path is clogged with lies, broken promises, compromised leaders, and a country full of dumbed-down pilgrims?
(Hint: the path does not run through Washington, DC, or any state capital. Politicians make for lousy guides; they get lost in their own rhetoric.)
Who can you trust?
After “God” and “me”, answers taper off into silence quickly. But that shouldn’t be disconcerting. Sources for factual, accurate information and guidance are readily available. It takes effort to find and research them, testing for accuracy and consistency.
Here are some guiding principles:
First, disconnect your CBB (Confirmation Bias Button)
The Truth doesn’t mind being questioned; the lie does not like being challenged.
A lie will not fit anything except another lie.
Public trust in the MSM has been the victim of a fatal wound. Despite the unique protection of the First Amendment, the Press morphed from watchdogs at the gate, warning citizens of government perfidy, into a conglomerate of government-infiltrated demons, attacking citizens for failing complete obedience to everything emanating from Government - even at the cost of Liberty, Freedom and Natural Rights.
Only the mentally deficient would consciously make that choice.
Trust but verify yourself.