Given the choice: Who do you trust: Tucker Carlson or Alex Jones?
No contest, right? Tucker, gutsy journalist; Jones, raving conspiracy theorist loony-tune.
Consider it an opportunity to learn some things I long suspected but only recently confirmed, thanks to watching this conversation.
It runs about 90 min. – a turn-off, I know. But after 5 or 10, you might want to stay for the rest.
This isn’t fun or funny. But then neither is learning your house is on fire or your spouse has been in a horrible accident; certainly you would want to know immediately if either were to happen.
I could be wrong. You may hit Delete, unsubscribe and go away thinking “he’s lost it”. That could be true; ‘information’ works in wondrous ways. With objective consideration, you might come to the same conclusion as I.
Here’s another link – just up on Zero Hedge – with some explanatory notes you might find helpful.
Just got done watching Tucker and Alex. I love Tucker. Never really knew a lot about Alex except he kept getting kicked off platforms. People always referred to him as a nut job. (not me...didn't know enough about him to make that call) It was interesting how many of his predictions actually have come true. I do agree the next 13 months are really going to be history making one way or another. One thing I did get from the interview is he knew his stuff. He had references to everything. He appears to be the ONLY one reading all the material that is publically available.
PS: One more thing. Carlson took the pledge and quit drinking booze. Jones still drinks. I don't trust people who despise alcohol. The Greeks drank in moderation but they always said, "Never make a decision until your sober and drunken states both agreed."