More and more, congressman, senators, candidates, talking heads and a certain ‘president’ are telling us there is “an attack on our democracy” more times than you care to be reminded; maybe not so much for the phrase itself, but for the smarmy scrungebuckets who repeat it non-stop.
As a reminder, here are the first few links from Google:
President Pantload google1tap&login=google1tap
Eric “I Did Not Have Sex With That Fang” Swalwell
Dodgeball Champion, AG Merick Garland
Senate Majority Leader Schmuck Schumer
Joint Session of Pyschopaths
And dozens more.
As notable as it is interesting, the majority of people making this charge are among the most educated people in America. Harvard, Yale and other Ivy covered graduates, some with prestigious law degrees, from institutions of allegedly higher learning. What if they're all wrong?
If our Democracy is “under attack”, what does that mean? What “democracy”? Is the USA a 'democracy'? How do you spell ‘democracy’?
OK – you've heard the old saw “Hey! The United States is a Republic, ya know? As in 'And to the Republic for which it stands'...sound familiar?”
So what?
The late U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, is credited with saying, “Words have meaning.” You would think, having come from one of the Supreme Robes, our Elected Rulers up the food chain would take their blatherings more seriously when it affects the status, function and security of the country and the folks they claim to represent. Specifically when they’re screaming about an ‘attack”!
If – as I did – you snoozed through too many American History, American Government or American Constitution classes, you may have forgotten that simple fact of America as a Republic, not a Democracy.
As my old friend, George Orwell famously stated, “Sometimes, the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious”.
Along with the current dearth of 'intelligent men', sadly, the majority of our fellow citizens, most a product of our tragic public education system cannot provide a correct answer to the difference between “Democracy” and “Republic”. Then again, a similar number couldn't find Gary, Indiana on a map. Of Indiana.
The plot thicken when the astute point out the United States is a 'constitutional republic' while the USCIS (United States Citizens and Immigration Service) would have you (and our new citizens) believe “The United States is a representative democracy'”
Then come the exceptions:
“No, the United States is a democratic republic”!
“No, the US is really a constitutional republic”!
“No! America is a democratic constitutional republic!”
Focusing on “democracy” - as in “an attack on our democracy ” - we learn:
“Rule by majority: In a democracy, an individual, and any group of individuals, any minority, have no protection against the power of the majority.”
Going with that definition, an “attack on our democracy” sounds like a great idea!
That’s why, when “words have meaning”, it's good if intelligent men will restate the obvious.
My father used to say, 'This is one helluva way to run a country.”
I say, “There is no government like no government. No government, know Peace.”
Note: Contact your nearest Civil Defense office for further instructions and stay tuned to CONELRAD for late breaking news on our Democracy under attack!
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