Story #37 in “50 Stories 50 Years in Radio”, tells how my friendship with Walter E. Williams began - one of those rare spontaneous moments in Talk radio that makes the format what it is (was).
Over two decades of guesting on my shows around the county as well as when occasionally filling in for Rush Limbaugh, Walter was outspoken about freedom, liberty and asinine government programs – especially Affirmative Action, race quotas, minimum wage and all that undermined the integrity of African Americans individually, as a community as well as all Americans regardless of race. That he did this with logic, experience and a rapier wit made his words all that more impactful and he more revered. His untimely passing December 1, 2020 on the campus of George Mason University took from us his humor and wisdom America desperately needs today.
I don’t recall when he first made it available, but an enduring feature of having Walter as a guest was when he bestowed on some worthy caller his “Proclamation of Amnesty and Pardon Granted to All Persons of European Decent”. It’s posted on his web site today. While not quite the same as receiving it from Walter personally, it retains its value knowing his purpose and intent.
I’m grateful Walter’s daughter has allowed her father’s treasure trove of a web site to remain accessible, including Walter’s library of brilliant writing and famous Proclamation! Download yours while you can. Get several for deserving friends. It will make a great Christmas gift! And while you’re there, catch up on reading the unique wisdom of my good friend and “guest”, Walter E. Williams.
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