Over the past few months, a surprising and increasing number of readers have written asking for a piece on 'gun guidance.’ For example:
“You've done radio shows and written a bunch of articles on guns, gun control, and gun legislation. With the latest in the Middle East, the thousands of “military age', physically fit males illegally entering the country, plus the constant increase in 'ordinary American crime' like Chicago, I and a number of friends who subscribe to your Substack articles request you write something specific: what firearms do you recommend for the novice who has never seen or required one? We believe these are significantly changing times and not for the better. If you can work something into your 'scribbling schedule', there is a gang of us out here who would appreciate it.”
Well…It’s Labor Day…LSU lost last night…it’s not Happy Hour yet, so…sure!
People own guns for various reasons, and those reasons determine what firearm will fill the need. I'll assume from the letters that the 'need' is self-defense, i.e., family, home, and property.
Like fine wine and fast cars, one can easily wander off into the weeds of personal preference, specific application, yadda yadda yadda - and promptly get lost. As a result, what I’m gonna write may be harrumphed by some of my fellow gun nuts, and that’s OK. As you will see, the choices are endless. Your job – and those of your friends – is to use the criteria to decide. Do your diligence. Like wine and cars, one size does not fit all. What works best for you hat is all that counts.
Someone famous said, “Keep it simple, stupid.” While there are many answers to the question of “need,” let's stick with that. We can always complicate things later!
Thinking of the 'days ahead', you'll need 3 guns – a 4th if you can afford it. I’ll skip the weeds of ballistics, bullet weight, penetration, etc. Not that those things are unimportant, but you can Google all that jazz if you’re interested.
We'll start with the basic .22 rifle.
Ruger 10-22.
Everyone should own a .22. This is America's #1 Most Popular and Best Seller. Easily hahandled by almost any size or gender individual, the .22 has little recoil or noise but is powerful enough for small game when food becomes scarce. Even those street animals who have you in mind would not be happy with a well-placed shot. Ammo is (currently) readily available. Buy a lot while it’s cheap and available. You’ll need to practice a lot to get to the best proficiency level. Get the family involved, too.
Shotgun (12 gauge)
Everyone should own a 12ga shotgun. Chances are your grandfather used it to put meat on the table. You may need it to keep meatheads away from your table. Without practice, the recoil is stout but not something the average-built American can handle; yes, it's a bit noisy, but that's why God gave us earplugs. Nothing that roams North America can survive a well-placed shot from a 12ga. Used properly, it's one of the best home defense weapons available. Ammo is still plentiful and cheap. Buy a lot. Practice a lot. Get wife and mature kids involved.
Everyone should own America's most popular and versatile hunting, target, and self-defense weapon. Its mild recoil belies its efficient lethality. Accessories can be added to make it a potent home defense tool. Yes, it's loud – especially in confined spaces like your bedroom (see earplugs above). Don't fall for the MSM Fuzz Bunnies “weapon of war” or “assault weapon” line because it's black and ugly and they're stupid and wimpy. If a gang of scumbags decides your home is ripe for a house-jacking, you'll be happy to know your AR-15 holds enough rounds to save the day, your loved ones and your ass. Due to Ukraine and the Middle East, ammo is getting scarce and more expensive. Buy a lot now; the price won't be going down. And there may come a time when a 20-round box can be traded for a family meal.
Pistol – 9mm
Everyone should own a 9mm handgun. It is the first and last line of self-defense: the first you will grab from your bedside table or the last you'll go for if your AR or 12GA gets lost or malfunctions. Easy to handle but requires diligent practice to be accurate; “Spray and Pray” is not a great defense plan. The good news is there are more choices for 9mm handguns than I could list. You'll surely find one that's comfortable in your hand – which is Most Important. A fine-looking, expensive shootin' iron is tough to shoot effectively when it feels like you're holding hands with an elephant. Or a pop sickle stick. All your firearms should fit like the proverbial glove. 9MM ammo is still plentiful and cheap. Buy a lot (see everything allegorical above).
Those four weapons are all you need for self-defense. Sure, you can refinance the mortgage and buy more and different makes, models and calibers. I know I have! In my Unsolicited Firearms Opinion, being good, confident, and accurate with your weapon of choice is most important. I'd rather be confronted with some fumbling dirtbag with a .44 Magnum, “the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off...” (D.Harry), than someone with a .22 who can circumcise a flea at 100 yards.
Over the years, I've owned more guns than I wish I hadn't sold; been an FFL firearms dealer, owned several Class 3 weapons and had the privilege of knowing Tom Gresham, Massad Ayoob, Richard Arrowood. Any one of these gentlemen are great resources for everything about guns. They'd be good references for your Due Diligence.
Owning any firearm brings the greatest responsibility: You hold in your hands the means and power to take a life. You also hold in your hands the means and power to save your life and the lives of those you love. While we all hope that time never comes, knowing you will be prepared to act accordingly is best.
Hard list to beat.
Gotta be a way to sneak a 30-06 on there, we have Elk and Bear, if I ever get lucky and get a permit again (it's a freaking lottery system)
I'm deer hunting with a 243 now or will be if I get in the mood to go out this year and if I'm not using a muzzle loader (which is more fun). AR would get the job done easy enough though and more and more people are hunting with them all the time.
Kids gotta have a 22 and they are a good cheap to feed prepper rilfe. (poachers always used them back in the day.) I had a Nylon 66 growing up, it's still around here someplace. I remember riding my bike to the corner store to buy ammo for it too. Got my 12 gauge when I was twelve, still got it too.
AR's are catching on around here, still most REAL men, have at least one hunting rifle that's at least one caliber bigger than they will ever use. LOL
Oh and we have way more men and women carrying pistols now that Michigan made it easy to get a permit to carry concealed. Chalk one up for the Republicans.
Oh, I forgot to say, all my weapons and ammo fell off a boat into a lake tomorrow…