Ours aren’t the only brilliant minds surveying the world around us. Here’s what others are saying…
“I probably should give 2 shits about drones flying over our cities but I don't.
I'm more concerned that Janet Yellen oversaw an additional $17 trillion in national debt.
That 67% of US taxpayer dollars goes to merely servicing the interest on the debt. That an additional 15% goes to national defense which isn't defense at all but is used to fund US hegemony and it is making a disaster of geo-politics.
That leaves 18% left to take care of domestic issues like infrastructure and silly things like that.
BTW, Janet Yellen says she's sorry. So there's that.”
Brad Waltz, Artisan in Ohio
"The government will never care about waste and fraud because they ARE waste and fraud incorporated." Brad Smith
People worship the God of Imposed Order and Control, even if they don't always like the immediate high priests and subordinate clergy.
Time is short. It’s too late to be diplomatic. People deaf to the hard truth of irrefutable facts will not be persuaded by diplomacy or other sugar-coated cereals that camouflage reality. Remaining comfortable in their ‘zone’ is their top priority. Truth, facts, and reality require change; occasionally causing a bout of cognizant dissonance. So what? When an honest but ignorant man is given Truth, he either ceases to be ignorant or ceases to be honest.
Maybe the most disturbing thing that became clear over the past four years is how much obedience is mistaken for intelligence.
Paul Ferguson
“If you believe] in equal rights, then what do “women’s rights”, “gay rights”., etc. mean? Either they are redundant or they are a violation of the principle of equal rights for all.”
Tom Sowell
Obama, I don’t hate you because of the color of your skin. I hate you because of your shit ideas, your shit policies, your shit gaslighting, and ultimately because you hate me because of my freedom and liberty. Pack your bags you Marxist piece of trash. There isn’t racism under every rock just because people disagree with you and your execrable ideas. Maybe you should acknowledge that your ideas are garbage and open your eyes.
A comformist is more dangerous than a terrorist, because they have no problem handing over their rights, and yours.
John Neisen
Why Didn’t They Steal It? (You won’t believe how deep it goes!)
Today's. Question. Why do we send men overseas to fight for freedom and give it up without a fight here?
A. Nonny Moose, Esq.
The failure of the Biden-Harris experiment in governance has brought elites to the edge of a stark ideological wilderness, where the only justification for power is the will to attain it.
Martin Gurri
What IS that? Are that many people just that dumb? I asked for a show of hands and all I saw were shoes! Maybe that answers the question??
Remember Barack Obama’s promise that if you like your health plan and doctor, you could keep them? Sorry. How about his claim that people with pre-existing conditions would be protected? Also not true. The biggest howler, however, was that healthcare would become more affordable.
Mike Shedlock
A society is in deep trouble when greed is celebrated, anger poses as strength, and stupidity is seen as a virtue.
Sam Thiel
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I like them all, especially the Tom Sowell and Brian Wilson comments. I don't get how all those wretched lying greedy politicians can reach any high office.
Janet Yellen is not a member of the House that votes for more debt every 100 days that is documented at https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GFDEBTN