Over the last news cycle, our vaunted News Media made much ballyhoo-woo over a letter of endorsement sent to the Harris-Walz campaign. The Big Deal? The letter was signed by 238 former Sen. John McCain, George W. Bush or Mitt Romney staff members. How is this relevant? How is this “news”? Why should anyone (other than Harris-Walz & Co.) give a rat’s nether region who endorses whom? Has the electorate’s collective intelligence sunk so low they cannot decide for whom to vote without the Comfort Animal assurance from a group of strangers? (Don’t answer that).
OK—endorsements are as old as Ovaltine, maybe older. Maybe Ally Oop endorsed some troglodyte. Who is actually influenced as a result? You may recall the recent speculation Taylor Swift was going to endores Joe Biden Kamala Harris. With her devoted fan base, it has been said that the 34-year-old singer could sway the general election result.
Of course, one has to believe the race is “tight as a tick” (MSM) to believe the anticipated Trump landslide will be thwarted by one music icon.
Maybe. But regular BWW readers know about “polls” and their notorious “accuracy.”
Full disclosure: During my exceptional broadcasting career, I was paid handsome US-approved fiat dollars for my endorsement of various cars and trucks, coffee, Rolex watches, Kodak cameras, and a load of other items and businesses. As an advertising strategy, they work because many people like and trust the endorsers and choose to let that influence their buying decisions. However, that assumed personal relationship is a natural extension of what we fondly recall as “personality” broadcasting. Radio or TV, you establish a personal relationship with listeners and viewers – if you’re good at it. Once the ratings confirm you are that good, the intelligent advertiser bets on Personality Endorsement content in the next media buy. That concept is far-fetched for a rational, objective, analytical individual considering his/her vote. (More on that later)
But I digress..
Who do you know who bases their political decisions on celebrity endorsements or, in this case, the resume of strangers who just happened to work for 3 of the most repulsive politicians ever to call themselves “Republicans”?
Some worked for…
John McCain, one of the worst Republican presidential candidates in my lifetime. Set aside the sentimentalism of hero worship. It’s not a prerequisite for being President. In fact, there are no work-related requirements for President. That's kinda scary. Isn’t that a big reason Harris is on the ticket? At least Trump has prior – and admirable - WH experience. And he worked paycheck-free, remember?
George W. Bush, who gave us the right-off-the-shelf Patriot Act, top contender for the most devastating political blow to Freedom ever. Its additions and extensions continue to power every administration’s reaping machine into the government’s killing fields of natural rights.
Mitt Romney, right up there with Bob Dole on the GOP Most Flaccid list; he wears his RINO merit badge into every session of the Senate.
What presidential candidate worthy of consideration would even want the endorsement of a group of losers who worked for such a group of losers?
Harris-Walz wasn’t all that particular. They were more giddy over the continuing “honeymoon news coverage” than the letter.
Politicians have proven they are as enamored with the endorsement of Big Buck donors as they are allergic to telling the truth. It takes an Act Blue to come up with the serious bux a campaign for President requires – and they’re damned good at it. Not legally good, but hey! “All’s fair…” etc.
Following political endorsements works well for the lazy and ignorant. Just wait for the right union boss, movie star, or cute teen sensation to say so, and the heavy lifting of Individual Responsibility is tossed aside. Marching Orders in hand, November can’t come soon enough for those particular sheep to do what they do best.
Scary, isn’t it?
Thanks for reading this far!
Whack a Button before you leave!
Brian, You may use my name as well, Tim McGraw. Since Taylor Swift's first hit song was in praise of Tim McGraw, I think my endorsement more than cancels out Taylor Swift's.
In return for my endorsement of you, all I ask is to be Postmaster General. I will sell the US Postal Service to the highest bidder and maybe US citizens can start getting their mail in a timely manner.
Political endorsements by celebrities that go left are good way for me to sort out the wheat from the chaff, and no longer watch or listen to anything that celeb does anymore.