In “30 Days…Then?” (Oct.6), I posted 4 possibilities for Election Day; #1 was spot on:
1. Nothing happens. Voting goes off without a hitch. Jaded polls predicting “tight” aside, Trump wins in a landslide, dwarfing Reagan’s victory; America sighs a huge sigh of relief; the long Biden-Harris-Walz nightmare is Past Tense. Of course, anyone who believes this will happen has rightfully earned the title, “Polly Anna, the Queen of Naiveté”.
So it’s all over but the shouting. That’s being handled by butt-hurt Democrats, MSM “anchors”, and commentators from sea to shining sea. Or is that ‘river to the sea’?
After a brief 24-hour respite – supposedly spent ‘reflecting’ on how, why, and who will get the blame for the Trump Avalanche, the Dems, Progs, and Libs are all back at their pre-election day caterwauling “Orange Man Bad!”; granted, at a much more modulated level, but it’s theirs in all its gory.
Today’s example: (11/10), Meet the Press host(ess), Kristen Welker: “It was OK to call Trump a ‘fascist’, but there also should have been some discussion of the economy.” She went on to demonstrate in livid color that her anti-Trump agenda far exceeds her flaccid grasp on economics.
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and all the usual suspects have been doing their part since Wednesday.
For the avid news consumer, this isn’t Bulletin News. But for anyone who makes the conscious decision to avoid the Democrat/Liberal PR Machine’s propaganda, you should know how the opposition termites have not been exterminated, they’ve just changed their game plan. As a suddenly rejuvenated Joe Biden managed to blurt, “We’ve just lost the battle…”. Recent Loser, Kamalalala Harris, did her worst John Paul Jones imitation, “While I concede this election, I do not concede the fight that fueled this campaign!” While Capt. Jones must be barfing in his grave, it’s interesting to note how Democrats always couch elections in war and battle terms.
The quaint Conservative notion that the startling Trump Red Tsunami would usher in The Days of Wine and Roses and national reconciliation was a ginormous pipe dream; one might say “delusional” and not be wrong.
While most of the MSM chat shows have been all about what the Harris-Walz-Biden-DNC Cabal couldda, wouldda, shouldda finger-wagging and blame slinging, that Monday Morning Quarterbacking was just a smoke screen for their myopia, incompetence, and more opportunities to bad-mouth Trump and blame his MAGA followers.
“Black women tried to save this country again, last night… what we do not have is white women, who voted about 52 percent for Donald Trump — uneducated white women is my understanding. You have Latino men actually, voting more for him,” - Sonny Hostin, The View
Ms. Hostin (Nee Asunción Cummings) must be slow learner. Blaming “uneducated white women” for Trump’s win - 52 percent of white women voted for Trump - is proof she flunked Introspective Analysis 101. How about white women don’t like being called “uneducated white women”? Hostin didn’t do herself any favors by later re-stating she meant “non-college-educated white women.” The Stupid is strong in this one.
What have we learned?
Not even a week since Trump’s tidal wave and the Dem/Libs-MSM Complex is quickly coaxing the country back to DEFCON 2. Much the same way Trump & Co. used AltMedia to spread the word to get around the censorship and editorializing ‘Legacy Media’, the Party of Chaos and their Hair-On-Fire Team are now flooding the social media zone with everything from snarky racist-slavery texts to calls for serious social unrest.
Law professor Jonathan Turley writes:
After the election, I wrote that people hoping for a moment of introspection after the Trump victory will likely be disappointed, and “the rage in the media and academia will only likely increase.” That has unfortunately proven to be the case. The meltdown after the presidential election appears to be building rather than subsiding with attacks from the left on male, female, and minority voters as racists, misogynists, or despotic dupes.
So, rather than considering the implications of a majority of voters rejecting the narrative of the media and political establishment, the idea is to move even further toward orthodoxy and intolerance.
[The Harvard Crimson] wrote that as the Trump administration moves forward, “we must resist platforming anti-democratic voices in the guise of nonpartisanship.” Those “anti-democratic voices” are likely to be found on one end of the political spectrum.
In a truly Orwellian twist, [The Crimson] added, “In fact, we must strive to defend principles of democracy, due process, and justice precisely to ensure that we can continue carrying out our age-old mission of nonpartisanship.”
So, the Institute would become partisan in order to fulfill its mission of nonpartisanship.
OK – it’s just silly old Harvard. But who knows how influential poison pens like this may be?
Along with the quick flame-out of the MSM’s ‘Reflections on Our Loss’ meditation, comes the breakout of my previously forecast chaos. While Seattle had a rough Election Day night, more than 5,000 New Yorkers hit the streets for Saturday's #ProtectOurFutures march, several participating groups shared on social media. Smaller groups marched in Chicago and Philly. As news of Trump’s administrative organizing continues to be the MSM’s lead story, additional chaos in more cities should be anticipated. I suspect the size and intensity of these ‘peaceful demonstrations’ will quickly erase the ‘peaceful’ part.
Judging from credible accounts, the momentarily paused Trump Haters’ Fascist Misogynist Racist Xenophobic Campaign is being re-kindled in all the usual places, led by raucous elements of the MSM, suffering from what my Cajun friends call “a bad case of the red ass”.
Occasional Guest Writer, Brad Smith, observed, “Spontaneous demonstrations take a long time to organize.” Currently, they have a little less than 60 days.
The curse of “living in Interesting Times” may be upon us.
Stay tuned…
Thanks for reading this far!
The next thing to watch is control of the House. As I type, enough House races STILL haven’t been called and recounts are in-process. Should DEMOCRATS assume control of the House, expect immediate impeachment hearings the moment Trump says, “I do.” I’d also keep watch on the 14th amendment between no and January. I expect frivolous cases against Trump, which may end up at SCOTUS…
I see that alternative media is also being blamed for the loss, as if it's not the MSM's own fault that they chased people away, their viewers and influence were stolen from them. According to them the alt-media, like Rogan, just tells people what they want to hear, so they,"the honest ones", can't compete. Of course Elon Musk is also the devil of the year for much the same reason, plus he's rich which is only bad when he's on the wrong side.
The MSM doesn't seem to be in a hurry to learn any lessons or to back off on the hyperbolic nonsense.
I've also read stories about how the polls weren't really off by all that much. LOL Actually they were Way off base from the moment Kamala announced and then tightened up at the end, so they didn't look completely ridiculous. However, all of the main stream polling was magically off in the exactly the same direction, that's called Bias and that's actually worse than not being accurate. You can be less than accurate by accident, you can't be bias the way they were unless you try.
Protesters come in two groups, those willing to go to jail and those who aren't. The ones willing to go to jail need a spark to set them off and the media to jump on it and turn it into a flame. That's your anti-fa and the inner city thugs, comprised on mostly blacks and homeless scum bags.
Pussy hats will come out again, but will they be used as cover for night-time riots, I'm not sure I see that happening although maybe. In any case I don't think they want actual riots, at least not large scale unrest, until Trump is in office.
And thanks for braving the MSM garbage dump, I'm for sure one of those who won't. Cut my cable off over a decade ago. Although I do catch enough clips of their antics to get a feel for their current level of insanity.