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About Brian Wilson

What’s to know?

Other than terminal curiosity, there’s no upside to reading the rest. Somewhere between Employment Requirements and Free Range Narcissism, it has become customary to include this slice of one’s life for a variety of questionable reasons. Sadly, it provides nary a hint of a guarantee you’ll like what’s offered. OTOH, if you know me personally, you’re already aware of this.

But if you’ve come this far……

Brian hosted successful radio programs on Heritage stations in New York, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Dallas, San Francisco, Baltimore, and Kansas City.  In the Morning Drive seat at NYC’s legendary WABC, he hosted the station’s historic 1983 transition from Music to Talk. Former WABC PD Phil Boyce noted, “Brian Wilson is the only radio personality I know who went to bed a disc jockey and woke up a Talk Show Host and he did it successfully on the biggest station in the biggest market in the world, WABC/New York.” Brian would later go on to become “ Head Zoo Keeper” of New York’s notorious "Z-Morning Zoo."

Wilson was also part of CNN's start-up, hosting the entertainment segment “Music Notes.” Returning to Atlanta in the early 90s, Brian not only hosted his WGST Afternoon Drive show, but he was also the star of “Talk at Nite,” a nightly TV program that broadcast Live, complete with famous guests, a studio audience, and the “T@N” band.

Wilson is the author of 4 books, only 2 of which are still available on Amizon: “50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio” (2018), “Watercolor Memories - The Story of Lauren” (2017); The Little Black Book on Whitewater (1996) is out of print. “A Media Guide for Market-Liberal Organizations” (1993) was privately commissioned for the exclusive use of the Koch Foundation.  The “Whitewater” book sparked guest appearances on many of the country’s great talk radio stations, opening the door to his ground-breaking Vacation Relief business.

As the founder of Vacation Relief, Inc. (VRINK), Brian was the first and only major-market talk radio host to substitute nationwide for vacationing hosts without leaving the comfort of his home studio. Wilson filled in for radio programs in Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Kansas City, Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio, Austin, Charlotte, Atlanta, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, San Francisco, New York, and other cities, as well as nationally syndicated shows “Art Bell’s Coast to Coast,” “Jim Bohanan Show,” “Laura Ingraham,” and "Mike Smerconish.”

Wilson’s ease on the air and in-depth knowledge attracted the attention of many nationally known guests, including Walter Williams, Tom Sowell, Ron Paul, James Bovard, Victor Davis Hanson, Ann Coulter, Stephen Moore, Newt Gingrich, Andrew Napolitano, sports legend John Madden, Boxing Champ Evander Holyfield, cooking sensation Chef Paul Prudhomme, Kevin Kohler, Dick Clark, Steve Harvey, and a long list of politicians, authors, music, film, and Broadway stars. 

For safety and security reasons, Wilson maintains an unlisted address allegedly in the Southeast with his wife, award-winning journalist, and writer Cassie Wilson, and their way too cute Golden Retriever, Gracie. 

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In mercifully short gasps, Brian Wilson discusses profound issues in a manner unlikely to be found or accepted in civilized society - or anywhere else.


Talk show host (ret), Author, Unindicted Co-Irritator